try to get ML subs!
Hola Acoustat...let me tell you a little history: two weeks ago I went to a customer´s house to see what was wrong with his system. He had two big Mirage Subs (the top of the line and also the ones that are by-polar) and a very expensive speakers (the ones that have granite at their sides)...after listening some material in SA CDs, I said: to my ears, your problem is the speakers...they are not working properly or have some fail...then I inspected them and found out that the speakers suspension was very deteriorated due to humidity and time...they are not made for your tropical weather. He said to me: fix them, please...they I said, why don´t you get one Theater i, the new Summits from ML and a pair of Depth subs, knowing that you like a lot bass energy...
That was on Friday and next Monday I got a call from Him...he said: Roberto, I´m still under severe depression, but I´m going to take your advise...please I want one Theater i, the new Summits and I just got the aval from my wife...the O.K.

...without listening what I had recommended, he trusted in me, and ordered the Teather i, Summits and a pair of Depth subs...yesterday I went to his house, because he was on a trip, and setted his new Summits with the subs...and believe me, outstanding sound, one of the best that I have ever heard...clean, live, super big scenario, fast and very deep bass. He has a Lexicon preamp for HT, so we listened also in HT mode. Boy, that was the best HT sound that I have ever listended also...he use Mark Levinson to drive the Summits and the Teather i. Yes, I know...he is a welthy guy, but he likes the best and has the money to setup what ever he would like to have...and his words are: Roberto, thank you so much!!! I never thought that ML was so good with subs...I do like my sound now thousand times better than what I did have before...and what he had was more expensive than what he has now. In other words, ML team is doing great only electrostatic speakers...Harry Pearson, from TAS recommend the Depth...and he said in TAS that it is one of the best subs that is on the market. Of course the bigger brother is depends of how much you want to spend. The Grotto is a very good alternative, and it is not too expensive...
Hope this can help and trust your ears!
Happy listening