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Big Dog RJ
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    • Big Dog RJ
      Dynamic stuff, on steroids!
    • Big Dog RJ
      My favorite band - Haiduk
    • Big Dog RJ
      What a shame to sell these magnificent stats! In order to equal or surpass these, you'd need to spend a truck load... even then nothing...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread New member.
      Yes of course mate. Definitely not necessary to keep searching for 15yrs... hell no. What I actually meant was, I already had a top...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread New member.
      Àttn: Chris Just a point to add, and worth noting since I've experienced the exact thing; when it comes to amplification and especially...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread New member.
      Yes, the SS 101 series was surpassed by the SS-103. Basically they're the same base circuit, no major changes there. However, it's the...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread New member.
      G'day Chris. The Vitus SS 101 is much older series, it was ok back in the day but was surpassed by few other models. The Vitus SS-103...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread New member.
      Yes definitely the Magtech, no doubt. On a similar "level," we also have Krell, Bryston, Parasound, Class'e, Jeff Rowland and the list...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread New member.
      G'day mate, just came across your post. Not specifically the Antileon but a different and bigger one! The Gryphon Mephisto. I helped a...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Nice one JZ, that Pass Labs amp will do mighty fine! The CJ Prem350 was their best SS design ever made. Sadly no more, and as you...
    • Big Dog RJ
      G'day JZ, from down unda. Beautiful set-up! The CLS caught my eye, love those stats, gorgeous. The last ones I had were the CLSIIZ's...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2.
      Just returned from the audition, it was really really tops! Yes, these are the newest ones, JR top of the line monoblocks. The design...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2.
      Attn: BH Even though that chap didn't reply to your last message/ email, perhaps he now wants to keep that particular JR Amp afterall...
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2.
      Ah! Finally found the perfect power amp to drive ststs. This one can handle very difficult loads.....look out! Woofty woof'n, RJ
      • 20240607_205815.jpg
    • Big Dog RJ
      Big Dog RJ replied to the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2.
      Haaa! Funny that 😄 Yes, the Dartzeel pricing is over the top but that's the case with anything from the Swiss; Solution, CH Precision...
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