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  • R
    Robert D reacted to BobLobLaw's post in the thread Panel life? with Like Like.
    The main (but no only) factors responsible for panel degradation are moisture, UV exposure and environmental contamination (dust, smoke...
  • Fidji99
    Fidji99 replied to the thread Class D amp with 15a.
    I do. Apollon Audio PET1200 with Weiss OpAmps. 375/750/1200 into 8/4/2 ohms an 40A max current. Love absolute transparency and silence.
  • MHzTweaker
    MHzTweaker reacted to Leporello's post in the thread Prodigy front woofers repair with Like Like.
    Does ML specify Thiele-Small parameters for a replacement?
  • J
    Jazzman53 replied to the thread Panel life?.
    That makes sense then, as the diaphragm-to-stator spacing is closest over the spars, and charge tends to migrate to areas closest to a...
  • BobLobLaw
    BobLobLaw replied to the thread Panel life?.
    The film is masked around the edges and over every spar, prior to adding the graphite coating to keep the coating away from the edges...
  • J
    Jazzman53 replied to the thread Panel life?.
    I had heard that a secondary graphite slurry coating was applied and you just confirmed it. Now I have a question: My one and only...
  • W
    waynecar reacted to BobLobLaw's post in the thread Panel life? with Like Like.
    The main (but no only) factors responsible for panel degradation are moisture, UV exposure and environmental contamination (dust, smoke...
  • BobLobLaw
    BobLobLaw replied to the thread Panel life?.
    The main (but no only) factors responsible for panel degradation are moisture, UV exposure and environmental contamination (dust, smoke...
  • BobLobLaw
    Did you also solder the black and blue wire to the bare spot on the front and back of the panel? If not it won't play, even if you got...
  • BobLobLaw
    To test if you got the red wire inserted in the right place, use a voltmeter to check for conductivity. Place one probe from the...
  • C
    Is anyone using a class d amp with their Logan’s? I made a strange discovery by trying a nuprime class d amp I own on my 15a’s.i usually...
    • IMG_0737.jpeg
  • L
    liffy99 replied to the thread Masterpiece positioning.
    I did listen to the 9s and 11As, but in a setting where space was not an issue. The 11a just sounded much more ‘grounded’ and effortless...
  • R
    Robert D reacted to ATK's post in the thread Masterpiece positioning with Like Like.
    I had a bug zapper in the garage… I chased the hiss for a year (spent a lot of money on grounds, clean power, cables etc) then one day I...
  • R
    Robert D reacted to Paul172's post in the thread Masterpiece positioning with Like Like.
    I use the Gryphon Diablo 300 to power my CLX Art speakers. It is nothing short of amazing. It replaced my PS Audio front end BHK Preamp...
  • R
    Robert D reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread Masterpiece positioning with Like Like.
    If I were ever to choose an integrated option to drive ML hybrid stats, apart from a vast array of top flight gear, I'd choose this one...