I have a lot of experience with the BC26, in both it's original, and mk2 forms.
I wrote the review on the original for Soundstage.com and it was a "Rosetta Stone" product for me.
I had been very much a Krell/Aragon kindof guy before I got acquainted with the BC product, and after spending time with the original BC26 and how it basically booted my KSA200S out the door for all the reasons that mattered, I knew I needed to hear more of the BC product. At the time, I had switched from my Aerius i's to a pair of B&W Nautilus 804's ... and had I heard my Aerius's with a BC amp, I probably would still have them !
So... the original BC26 will definately give you a balanced sound, with enough drive and control but still with lots of harmonic correctness to let you enjoy your Logans. The mk2 improves on the original by adding a bit more focus and clarity to the mix.
Depending on which Logans you're going to partner your BC amp with, I might suggest going to one of the hybrid series, (The BC28 or the newer 202 or 204). They work brilliantly with the Logans. I run the big BC206 with my Ascents, and a friend runs a BC28 with his ReQuests.
Most of the BC amps form a synergistic match with the ML's, largely because BC uses Logans exhaustingly during the build and voicing phase of their amps.
Hope this helps a bit