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    • Brad225
      Welcome manny. You should reach out to ML tech support with this issue. They are usually very responsive.
    • Brad225
      Welcome to the group mitch from another ARC fan. We all love photos.
    • Brad225
      Brad225 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Yes definitely the Magtech, no doubt. On a similar "level," we also have Krell, Bryston, Parasound, Class'e, Jeff Rowland and the list...
    • Brad225
      Brad225 reacted to rinorn's post in the thread Thrilled with recent upgrade with Like Like.
      Even more thrilled! I seem to be getting luckier in my old age (good things come to those that wait:-). I've recently purchased an...
    • Brad225
      Welcome to the retirement club. The new setup for you system look wonderful. The room looks like it is ideal for CLS spacing.
    • Brad225
      Brad225 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2 with Like Like.
      Ah! Finally found the perfect power amp to drive ststs. This one can handle very difficult loads.....look out! Woofty woof'n, RJ
    • Brad225
      Brad225 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2 with Like Like.
      Haaa! Funny that 😄 Yes, the Dartzeel pricing is over the top but that's the case with anything from the Swiss; Solution, CH Precision...
    • Brad225
      Brad225 replied to the thread Jeff Rowland Model 2.
      Hey Dog. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the XA160.8s. The gold isn't for everyone. Someone on another thread said they...
    • Brad225
      Brad225 reacted to ttocs's post in the thread Room acoustics visualized with Like Like.
      This is the best Acoustics demonstration series I know of. It has lots of practical demonstrations with some of the most valuable being...
    • Brad225
      Brad225 reacted to JonFo's post in the thread Room acoustics visualized with Like Like.
      I'm always looking for articles with good illustrations or animations that show how sound behaves in an enclosed space. The following...
    • Brad225
      Brad225 replied to the thread New member.
      Glad to hear you have wonderful sound from the beginning. I am clearly biased but the more tube power the better. Don't be afraid to...
    • Brad225
      Brad225 replied to the thread New member.
      The white looks very good with the contrast of the black front wall. The real question is, how do they sound from the start?
    • Brad225
      Brad225 replied to the thread New member.
      You can always have a sign company wrap the front in Black Chris. It shouldn't do anything to the finish when removed.
    • Brad225
      Brad225 replied to the thread New member.
      Welcome Chris. I'm sure you will be amazed at what the CLX's can do in your room. What equipment are you driving them with?
    • Brad225
      Brad225 replied to the thread New to the forum.
      Welcome to the group Kermie. Audiophile is the obsession not the gear.
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