System #513 (Ascents, Logos, Descent i)

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Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
Lake Bluff, IL
1. Member Name: Jim Burgess
2. Location: Chicago, IL
3. ML Model(s): Ascent, Logos, Descent i
4. Year Purchased: 2015 (Ascents bought from original owner)
5. Mods/Changes: None
6. Associated Electronics:
• Pass Labs XA60.5’s
o Standing on Maple Shade isolation platforms
• Audio Research SP-6B (Rebuilt and upgraded components)
• Sony SACD XA9000ES
• Basis Ovation Turntable
• TriPlanar VI Tonearm
• Transfiguration Temper W Cartridge
• Hafler DH-220 (for HT Center Channel)
• Hafler DH-500, rebuilt (for HT Rear Channels)
• Anticable L2 Bi-wire speaker cables
• Paradigm Interconnects (Preamp – Amp)
• MI330 Interconnects (CD – Preamp)
• Anticable interconnects (Processor – Amps for HT)
• Nordost BC Kones (Preamp)
• Vibrapods (CD)
• Power: Anticable L3 cords (Amps), Cardas Golden Reference (Preamp), PS Audio (CD), PS Audio Power station, PS Audio wall outlets with dedicated circuits and isolated grounds
• “Custom” IKEA Lack equipment rack
• HT: Logos center channel, Descent i, Outlaw 975 surround processor, Mitsubishi 55” LED, Panasonic BluRay, Motion FX rear speakers

7. Comments and/or stories about your Martin Logan experience:
I have experienced electrostatic speakers in the past starting with a pair of Quad ESL 57’s which I still own, and decided to buy a used set of ML’s because of the full range missed with the Quads. The Quads definitely do some things better, but the ML’s are great. When I got the Ascents, the stators were filthy and I actually followed the tutorial on this website to take them apart and wash them down (which actually worked so thank you to the member who posted this). I don’t feel a need to upgrade the Ascents anytime soon. I listen to 2-channel far more than HT, and vinyl is my favorite!

8. An image of your system.


  • ML wide.jpg
    ML wide.jpg
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Biker, it is all hardwood floors in there. No area rug right now.

Brad, the ARC-Pass labs is a great combo. ARC makes tube units that have some good solid state qualities to them, and the Pass Labs amps are solid state that try to have tube like qualities. The 60.5's are especially this way since they are warmer than any of the other .5 or .8 series amps. Nelson Pass himself had the 60.5's as his personal amps and also confirmed they were warmer than any of other 0.5 series amps.

I would love to upgrade to a newer model ARC preamp as they are so nice sounding, but the SP6b is a classic, sounds good, and the new stuff is very expensive!
Welcome - nice system. I reckon you might hear a positive improvement if you were to put a rug down - at the very least between the speakers and your listening position. You should try that some time.
Great audio system! I must say you have done a excellent job of cleaning the electrostatic panels. They now look very transparent and therefore free of grime and hence look new.

A word of caution or advice from me. I really hope you pull out the Pass amps out from their garage when playing music. Since they generate considerable heat. Not a good idea to have their top vents blocked when operating them.

Other than this everything looks amazing.

Have fun listening to music on your amazing sounding system!
Thank you Rehan! The amps definitely get warm. The garages are not enclosed and there is a significant gap on top to allow airflow.