One of my Montis panels has, over the last few months, been losing its overall level and HF. I vacuumed and cleaned it in place using no residue Electrosolve cleaner, the one I use that is safe for most synthetics, glues and electronics. It made no difference. I swapped panels to insure it was not the amp/crossover or wiring, etc. The problem reversed so I knew it was the panel. I could not see any obvious issue initially. I disassembled the panel and removed it from the frame. Upon closer inspection I could see a film deposit that I suspected was cat spray/pee. I had seen the post about washing the panel in the shower with water. Cat spray has a wax component, along with bacteria, making it hard to clean and neutralize. I make quality, lab tested colloidal silver, which has proven to totally neutralize cat pee and remove the smell. Taking a soft paint brush and placing the panel on a table I flooded the panel with CS from a quart sprayer and brushed it in quickly. I had also prepared a bucket of warm water and a mild solution of Dr. Bronner's SalSuds. This is a non-toxic cleaner that rinses very clean and cuts wax and grease well. I liberally brushed this on both sides to clean off the CS/cat spray residue, using quite a bit. I then placed the panel vertically in the sun and, using a garden hose with a gentle fan spray nozzle, I rinsed it with the nozzle placed close at a low/medium volume. Of course, I was worried about overall pressure and the effect of the cleaning process, but it would either work or I would have to order a new panel. I carefully took compressed air to blow off most of the water on both sides, toweled the edges and let it dry in the mild sun for an hour. I reassembled the system, carefully drying and remaining damp edges and cleaned the connector contacts with the no residue Electrosolve. I powered it up and energized the speakers about an hour later. Horray!! The panel performed equally to the other now. Mono material localized the image perfectly and high frequencies from cymbals or upper piano harmonics remained in the center and localized nicely. I placed wire screen on top of the heavy sandbags I place on top of the woofer cabinets to lock the speakers in place. The wire screens keep the cats away from the back of the panels and hopefully will eliminate the source issue. The system really sounds great again.
Stoll Audio
Stoll Audio