System #329 (Odyssey, Depth)

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Oct 16, 2006
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System #329 (Odyssey, Depth i's)

1. Greg Gainer

2.Ontario, Canada

3. Odyssey's (2006 ) and 2 Depth i subwoofers (2011) - updated pictures my new addition of vinyl and 2 Depth i's July 10,2012

Amp - Simaudio W-5
Pre amp - Simaudio Evolution Series P-7
CD Player -Simaudio Evolution Series Supernova
Power Conditioner- Adept Response R12

Phono Stage - Zesto Andros
Turntable - VPI Superscoutmaster
Cartridge - Dynavector XX2mk11
TT Platform - Ginko Cloud 12

Sony Projector- VPL-HW 10 1080 via 92 inch Da-Lite electric screen

Wires - Cardas golden reference interconnects and golden cross speaker wires
Powercords- Foundation Research LC 1'S,Blue Circle BC 60

Tweaks- Symposium roller blocks series 2 under every component
double stacked rolerblocks + grade 3 superballs under cdp, svelte shelf
- Acoustic Revive RR77 and RD3 demagnitizer
- Audio desk cd lathe
- Audio Prism ground control-2 sets on speakers,1 set on amp
- Lovan soverign sand filled racking
- Oyaide R1 oulets, 20 amp dedicated lines, 10 gauge wire
- Eden Sound brass damping disc
- Isoclean fuses

Acoustic Treatments - 4 Acoustic Science Corporation 16" round x 78" high bass traps
- Homemade absorbtion panels at 1st and 2nd reflection points

Room -soundproofed room which took me a year to build 12x20

I love the sound of Martin Logan speakers and feel fortunate to own them. In the future I am considering a Descent i sub to replace the depth sub, or 2 depth i's ( 2 depth i's Aug 2011 completed )and upgrade amps to Simaudio Evolution W-7 monoblocks down the road.Prior to the Odyssey's , I had a set of Aerius i's. Well, I got sidetracked on the amp upgrade to vinyl ( May 2012 )

******* Please See Addditional Pictures Sevaral Post Down********
Cheers, Greg


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Thanks for the comment Dave. I tried to buy the most comfortable chairs I could that also looked great. I only get the center seat for music, as my wife doesn't listen to any music. For movies,it's the other way around. I will try to post better pictures of the system. There were several pictures put together to try and get most of the room in 1 picture.
Cheers, Greg
I will get some close up's of the electronics up on the weekend.
Cheers, Greg
That is a sweeeeet dedicated room! Ya, close up of equipment would be nice, Simaudio equipment looks real sexy and perform very well!
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Welcome to the group! LOVE all the MOON gear! I'd love to have a SimAudio system at some point...
Here are the other pictures, enjoy.All components have series 2 rollerblocks under them including the W-5 amp. The Supernova has a double stack of series 2 rollerblocks. Future considerations are a Symposium ultra shelf for both the amp and the cdp.The Simaudio P-7 Evolution pre amp was just added to the system a few months back.
Cheers, Greg


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Very nice set-up,Greg! I like the streamlined look,minus the clutter some rooms seem to suffer from. Incidentally,is that cd storage rack custom-made?(In other words...where can I buy one!):ROFL:
Thanks for the kind comments. I bought the cd racks from Ikea. They come in 3 different colors and hold about 150 cd's per section.I used small wood screws and screwed them together using 2 screws pre section and the fastened them to the wall at the top with brackets in 2 places. You can add more sections as your library increases and they hold dvd's or blu-rays as well.

The great thing about the cd racks is they look great and don't cost very much at all , very reasonable.

These are all news pictures after aquiring the 4 ASC 16inch round by 78 inch traps and lowering the racks closer to the floor for improved soundstage. I read about that tip on this site and it really improved the soundstage. I also added the brass damping weights to each component after seeing it in the members section. That helped out as well.

Cheers, Greg
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Have you experimented with putting a Tube Trap directly behind each speaker (perhaps using the ones you have behind the listening position)?
Hi Bernard,

Actually, that may be a great idea which I hadn't thought about.It may work great having the reflective side of the tube trap facing out from the wall diffussing the sound back into the room.

I have the speakers (stators) 5 feet off the back wall. The tube traps are 16" round, so I wonder if I would have to pull the speakers out more or maybe it would be fine the way it is due to the traps being round.

Do you think the speakers would have to be off the wall more with the tube trap behind the speakers?

I will definately try it when I get some spare time.Thanks for the tip. I think the tube traps were one of the best investments I could have done.

Bernard, remember to treat yourself at Christmas to the little things (gc) in my last picture.

Cheers, Greg
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Greg, I was thinking more in terms of the Tube Traps absorbing the back wave rather than diffusing it back into the room. The back wave is really an unwanted component, so why not absorb as much of it as possible.

I will try it both ways and see what works best. I use to use slatted bi fold doors behind my logans to diffuse the sound. They did a great job.

You buy slatted closet doors from the Depot and have the hinge about 7 inches off the backwall with each side of the door going back to the wall on about a 35% angle. Some of the rear wave is redirected to the middle of the room and some to the side and it doesn't radiate back to the panel. The doors can be primed and painted the same color as your walls.

I had originally read about this idea in the fine tunes section in Sterophile.

Cheers, and thanks again
Hello Bernard,

I finally had time tonight to try your suggestion of absorbing the rear wave with the ASC tube traps. I have to tell you, that was the tip of the year!!

The differences were clearly audible switching back and forth, having the tube traps in the corners - reflective side facing the room vs the tube traps as you suggested with the absorbive side of the trap facing the speakers, directly behind each speaker.

I am eating crow, Jon Fo and others who said absorbing the rear wave is the way to go are correct.The differences in absorbing the rear wave was better clarity, I have to tell you I couldn't beleive it.I used various disc. On Queen - The Game ( mobile fidelity ) on another one bites the dust there are sounds going side to side and up and down within the soundstage. Absorbing the rear wave specified way more on these sounds and pinpointed them moving around more clearly and in a whole new detail. I also find much greater ambience than before, more of you are there compared to listening to a stereo system.

I am presently listening to Peter Gabriel - Scratch My Back There is orchestral accompiant on the whole disc.It's amazing with the traps behind the speakers. To me , it's as if the sound was blurred before or smeared. It was an ear opener switching back and forth between the 2 trap positions.

Once again, Bernard , I can't thank you enough and it didn't cost anything.

Cheers, Greg
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Greg, I'm glad it worked so well for you, and pleased to be of help. One of these days, as funds permit (in the distant future, unfortunately) I plan to buy a pair as I have a glass wall behind my speakers (the worst possible arrangement).

Don't forget to update your system pics!
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Greg, another thing you may want to try is, leaving the traps as they are behind the speakers, take the traps from the rear corners and put them in the front corners, absorptive side out. I think you'll find that it cleans up the bass and makes vocals clearer. I'm not a proponent of reflection as it makes me think of Bose. Speaking of which, I was in a hotel room recently that had a Bose Wave radio/CDP; it sounded really bad.

Of course, if this makes a difference you'll end up buying more traps for the rear :)
I have added new system pictures to reflect the changes in my system. I have added 2 Depth i's with the optional silver tops on each sub. I have a vinyl set up now consisting of a VPI Superscoutmaster with a Dynavector XX2mk11 cartrige sitting on a Ginko cloud 12 platform. The phono stage is a tubed Zesto Andros. I have som terra stone replacement footers coming in 2 weeks for replacement over the stock VPI coned feet .
I love the addition of the subs for both movies and music. The vinyl is sheer bliss!!
Cheers, Greg