Yep. When I bought my Frescos they were available from ML directly. I like them better than the wall-mounts that originally came in the box. The after-market ones are more versatile.
Yes, I tried to use them. I wanted to mount my Frescoes horizontally though, and they would not hold in the position I wanted them to be in. I'm sure they work fine mounting them horizontally.
As I tried to explain in a previous post, they don't work well for a horizontal installation. I don't think they intended it that way. The bracket mounts easily. The speakers want to pull down towards the floor due to gravity.
That's exactly right--gravity wins out They mount easily to the speaker. I'm not sure I can say that they mount easily to the wall. I think that depends on your situation. I had a tough time with mine because of the height and I had to reach above my head to tighten down ect... and that is always tough. They didn't reach to my studs either, so I had to use dry wall anchors and those never seem to work out the way they are suppose to for me. I think I ended up drilling an extra hole in the bracket for some reason--don't remember. I really think that there should be some note on the product that states that they are not intended to mount horizontilly. I'm sure they work great vertically though. It was just a blown $50 bucks and a lot of hassle trying to get them to work right.
horizontal holding of fresco speaker in ML supplied bracket
Try adding two star washers with grips and then tighten both the screws. It is always difficult to hold the speaker in position so you may ask someone to help you
good luck