New Memeber w/ ML Aerius i Speaker Woes

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New member
Dec 11, 2008
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Greetings all, I'm a new member to this board and I was wondering if the members might be able to help me out before I give up on my recently acquired ML Aeruis i's.
I sold a great pair of original Carver ALS's which I loved, truly amazing sound but they were just too big. I purchased a pair of ML Aerius i w/ the spikes. When I first listened to the ML's the guy did not have a great amp or setting to demo the speakers but I thought they sounded pretty good and I thought I could makeup the difference with my amp's and room. I hope it's me but I cannot get these speakers to live up to all the praise on the net. I am driving them with a pair of Carver m4.0t amps bridged so power is definitely not a issue I have tried about 30 different placements (some a little better than others) the room is about 20 X 22 with vaulted ceilings. Please tell me if I'm expecting too much or am I missing something else.

At this point I'm about ready to sell them and search for a pair of Carver ALS III. Please understand no disrespect intended to Martin Logan products. I'm just looking for the same great sound I had but with a smaller footprint.

Thank you for any help.
Before you sell them I would demo a good amp. The Carver 4.0 as powerful as they are do not have the current that may be needed. I ran a lot of carver gear. Had the ALS Silvers , Good sound but lacked the detail of Martin Logan. I would try a Sunfire amp. It has all the current you will need and is smooth. They can be had for under $1k if you shop.
what is your original source?
what kind of music are you listening too?
Martin Logan speakers are very dependent on good recordings. I have found that most rock music if not done correctly does not fair well on my system.

I have a feeling most of your complaint is with the low end and possibly the mid range ?
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I agree with CAP (Chris), while the Sunfire series of Carvers stuff appears to be well liked , IMO I wouldn't give a 'plugged nickel' for any of his former "T" stuff. While it may well be rated for good power (wattage) don't think for one minute that it can do justice to complicated loads (current capability and reserve there of). This is not an attempt to 'bash' your amps more of what I have experienced first hand with those amps in the past trying to drive a pair of Maggie's...not a pretty sight !!

Aside from that, I assume no damage was done to them getting them into your room.
For one thing, you didn't mention what's missing. It might be as simple as vacuuming the panels or maybe even washing them (search the fora for threads regarding these).

For another thing, bridging amps doubles their minimum Ohm rating. Most amps expect 8 Ohms bridged and MLs aren't that. The Aerius i is bi-ampable, so I wouldn't be running bridged amps to begin with.
For what it's worth, I still own a pair of Carver ALS (Silvers), but they are languishing in my basement as my fourth-best speakers. (My wife has just about talked me into selling them.) They are much better than the average general-market speaker, to be sure, but I don't think they are in the same league as most of the competing Martin Logan electrostats. If I were you, I'd invest more time in trying to sort this out before giving up on the MLs.
Again, you haven't told us what is wrong with the sound you are getting now...

That would help a lot.
Thank you to all that have responded so far...

To answer a couple of questions. The source is a Nakamichi MB1 cd hooked up to a Marantz AV600 Preamp.
Silversmith Audio Silver speaker cables The type of music I listen to varies quite a bit from Blues, Classic Rock, some Country, even Classical. When I purchased the speakers we packed them in their original packing and boxes and transported them 3 miles to my home. I knew going into this deal that the ML's would not have the same base so that was not a disappointment. At this time I am not running the amps bridged. It does seem to sound a little better running a single amp. I do disagree that the Carver amp does not have enough power. The Carvers ALS would drop down to a .5 ohm and the Carver amp never blinked. The fellow that bought my ALS speakers asked me to do a side by side with the same music and then told me he was glad that I was not selling the ML's. I really want to like the ML's they are great looking and I think they should sound great. I'm trying to find out if I'm doing something wrong in the set up.
mfhjr, what part of Denver do you live in? I'm up in Thornton, but work in the city. If you want I'd be happy to come by some time and give your setup a listen. Maybe I can offer some insight.
I owned the Aerius for years and drove them with a 50 Watt EL84 based tube amp, which I still own and use (see my system). It was enough, I think. Mind you, the manual states it is particularly well suited to driving ESLs - I am not sure on what grounds, but that is what it says.

Same amp couldn't hack an SL3 in any way, shape or form, however.

I don't think the Aerius is that hard to drive.
can we see some pics of how they are set up ???
I've stated many times here and elsewhere that the Logans will RUTHLESSLY reveal the weakness in the upstream components. In this case, the suspects are (in order):
  1. Carver m4.0t amplifier
  2. Marantz pre-amp
I would not put too much stock as to why the Carver combo sounds better than Logans/Carver. I've listened to the Carver m4.0t a long time ago on my Magnepan and was not impressed with it at all. Gobs of power, but tone/body is very much lacking. I ended up with a mid-range Kyocera integrated amp to drive my Maggies. Also, don't get too hung up on the power rating. I've driven my ReQuests with 50wpc tube amp (SixPacs) and they sound much better than my 300wpc Classe'. It's all about synergy of your components and the quality of the signal presented to the Logans!

Good Luck
sometimes inferior speakers can give the perception that any given equipment or upstream source is "better" than it actually may be.
WOW. I cannot believe what a warm wonderful way you people have of welcoming a new member. I think Tom Tancrado gave a warmer welcome to the illegals coming over the boarder. All I was asking for was a little FRIENDLY advice about possible setup problems, and you guys act like I was asking for rights to sell your children. With the exception of MiTT no one really wanted to offer any help, but everybody else wanted trash every part of my setup EXCEPT for the speakers. Strange, how for last twenty years I have had dozens upon dozens of complements on what warm wonderful sounding system I had, it could rock the house with Santana or make you feel the emotion of Andrea Bocelli. Now all people ask me, is there is something wrong with my speakers.

Please remove my name and sign on. I am not giving up on my speakers but I am giving up on this forum. Sometimes it really is something as simple as somebody prefers the sound of one speaker over the sound of another. Please tell the next new member I wish him or her better luck. For the rest of you except MiTT, I know why Tigers eat their young.
I really thought we are trying to help. sorry for the misunderstanding I do not really know how you are offended buy our post's
Well lets start of by saying. If you read this ! You came here asking about your new ML speakers and wanted ADVICE on what could help them. Myself and others have stated OPINIONS based on what we have had or listened too. Audio is a speculative hobby. What sounds good to you may sound like a chain saw to others. However I have the utmost trust in the few members who stated their opinions here. Remember You your self said you liked the ALS speakers with the 4.0t, and said you may get a set of ALIII. That is the sound you enjoy ,you should go directly to that route. ML are not ribbons and they are much more amp and upstream critical of what you put through them. Carver gear, and I speak from experience as a former owner of many pieces is OK for some but not others. Especially bridging the amps. Their amps had reversed phase when done this way and they did not like to dip into 4 ohm arena, or if they did, they distorted or shut down(thermal overload) Marantz pre amp is OK too. However its average transistor design will reveal itself through the speakers. Remember this! No one wants you to succeed more than us. We love ML speakers and want to help as much as possible. However you need to be much more detailed on what you do not like and what you are hearing. You cant be so closed minded to think that one tire fits all cars. Just because your system sounded good to you with that equipment it should with every speaker. At least you could, as I stated DEMO some different equipment before disparaging us for suggesting change. Change although at times can be painful its sometimes for the better. If you read this I think I speak for most we do not want you to leave! However if you feel you don't fit in there is always the Carver users forum. They are a friendly bunch too. Verry loyal as we are. I know I was a member too.

Good Luck and happy listening !
yeah don't leave yet. sometimes peoples intentions are misread in the text forum.
I am not giving up on my speakers but I am giving up on this forum. Sometimes it really is something as simple as somebody prefers the sound of one speaker over the sound of another. Please tell the next new member I wish him or her better luck. For the rest of you except MiTT, I know why Tigers eat their young.

Sorry to hear you feel that way, but I do feel we were being honest with our subjective opinions, as Chris (CAP) said.

Remember said when auditioning them they sounded Ok / good, but you suspected the components. Well when you get home with your gear and they apparently sounded worse.???..........., what are we to think ??

Regarding your Carver amps, I was stating a case years ago, wittnessed with my eyes and ears on my MG IIIa's, where the protection circuitry was easily activated. Now I know you speak of their low impedence capability, but running through a resistor on a test bench does not compare to the reactive / capacitive load that is seen with your Logans.

Again, IMO, there's a 'Synergy' issue with your set-up, so as you said, not giving up on your speakers, I'd start by chaanging ONE component at a time till you get the change your looking for, best of luck with the resolution.

Happy Holidays !!
All I was asking for was a little FRIENDLY advice about possible setup problems, and you guys act like I was asking for rights to sell your children. With the exception of MiTT no one really wanted to offer any help, but everybody else wanted trash every part of my setup EXCEPT for the speakers.

:wtf: ?????

You came on here with very little information and asked for advice and several members gave you some very good advice. In a nutshell, they told you to consider that your previous components may not synergize well with the Logans and you should consider demoing some other components to see if that is the issue. They also asked you specifically for more information on how you have them set up and what you were hearing that was a problem, and you still have not provided any specifics on that or any description of how you set them up.

ML's are known to be very particular about setup and also very revealing of flaws in upstream components. Thus, these are the first things we look at when evaluating a problem. Instead of thanking us for our advice and giving more details and asking more detailed questions so we can further help you isolate the issue, you get all huffy and defensive that we have not greeted you with open arms and lavished you with praise for your choice of MLs. What, exactly, were you expecting? You asked for advice, and you are getting it. You don't like the advice, so you talk about tigers eating their young and Tom Tancredo???? Just a tad bit melodramatic, don't you think? Shoot the messenger because you don't like the message. Is that it? You give us minimal information about your setup and your problems, and you get minimal help diagnosing the problem. That is the bottom line.

Ultimately, you bought a set of speakers that have received accolades by thousands of devoted users. People all across the world, reviewers, professionals in the field of audio manufacturing, and so on, all adore and swear by these speakers and marvel at how much better they are than traditional cone and even ribbon speakers. You buy a pair and can't get them to sound good to your ears (what the problem with their sound is, we still don't know because you haven't told us). But they don't sound good to you, which leaves one of several possibilities:

1. They are damaged and need repair, cleaning, or panel replacement;
2. You are not setting them up properly or have a poor room for them;
3. They are revealing limitations in your current upstream equipment; or
4. You just don't like the sound of electrostatic speakers.

Without more information about the problems you are actually experiencing and the details of your room and how you have them set up, it is impossible for us to diagnose any of these potential causes. All were alluded to in the various responses that you got. If you want information about these possible issues, there is plenty to be had using the search function of this site. If you want direct help from members of this forum who have decades of knowledge setting up audio systems of all kinds, then you need to take a big dose of humility and provide us with a little more information to work with.

Remember, you came here with hat in hand asking for advice. You gave very little background information by which we could ascertain your issue and give you some knowledgeable advice. The members here did their best to point you in the right direction given the limited information you provided. And then you come back with a melodramatic, whine about how unwelcome you feel. WTF???

It isn't fun to hear that your new speakers may not work well with your existing equipment, but it is a real possibility. If you have any clue at all about audio setup, you understand the meaning of the term system synergy. We have almost 300 Martin Logan User systems posted on this site, and to my knowledge not one of them is using the amp or preamp you are using in your system. That alone should give you a big clue. If you look at the systems posted here, you will see the same names popping up: BAT, Cary, Conrad Johnson, Audio Research, Pass Labs, Krell, Rogue, Sunfire, Sanders Sound Systems, and a few others. This is not by accident. Martin Logan speakers have specific needs and there are certain types of equipment that they sound great with and other types that make them sound like crap.

We are more than willing to help you out, but remember that you are new and have established no credibility on this forum. You are asking for advice while giving little to no information by which to give proper advice. And then you are whining that everyone is trashing your system components. Sorry, but I don't have a lot of sympathy for that kind of attitude. Give us some information about how you have the speakers set up and what differences you are hearing from your former setup, and we might be able to do a better job of diagnosing your problem. But you also need to suck it up and accept that your old equipment just might not be the best equipment to drive your new speakers. Is it that difficult to audition another amp just to see if that might be your problem?