Dan is right on, fantastic words to live by. I agree with him 100%...

IMHO, Dan is quite correct, wise and experienced... He may not tell you this, but I will, Dan has personally, patiently spent many, many hours auditioning dozens (or more), IC's and speaker cables, so he knows of what he speakes. I think, I can speak for all of the ML Club memebership, when I say, we know and appreciate what Dan has done for us, because he has gracously shared all of his cable audition results, with all of us here...

Thanks again, Dan, wherever you are...
IMHO, Dan is right on the money, when he says, "An impatient buy will usually result in another purchase due to error". Unfortunately, I am living proof of that. I am a little hesitant to admit it but, I foolishly purchased, "Monster" speaker cable, by the yard, at one time, spent quite a bit of money actually, and the sad fact is, I will be replacing all of those IC's and speaker cables eventually....

I just wish, I had found, 'The ML Club', outatanding web-site, years ago, and read Dan's and others, excellent recommendations and advise back then, I would have saved thousands of dollars. I just wanted immediate gratification, so it was easy for a quick trip to, "Best Buy" and a (foolish) purchase.
IMHO, auditioning the cables at home on your system, before you purchase, is the key... Also, remember, always remember, the words of that great audio God, 'Roberto', "Trust your ears".... Maybe, I should stop quoting 'Roberto', so much, as he may think, he doesn't need to respond to as many threads, and that would not be ashame, as I just love his excellent advise and recommendations...
Enjoy your Audio Quest (pun intended), that's what really counts...