Martin Logan Source - Placement help needed

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New member
Oct 28, 2010
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Hi guys,
I was about to buy a pair of KEF XQ20 last monday, decided against it and was ready to pull the trigger for a pair of XQ40. As they did not have the color we wanted on stock, we decided to walk around and listen to a few more options just to make sense out of the 1h drive to the store. And as I enjoy to listen to a set of Stax 3050 headphones in our bedroom I wanted to give the ML Source a listen. And thats about it... We went to the store again to listen the Source against the XQ40 - and the Source sounded totally different and the sales person admitted that they also did not sound like this in the other room. So they moved the Source back etc...

At the end it seems that the room with all the other speakers behind the Source etc. was not the best way to place it. We were also told that the ML's are very sensitive to placing and thats how I ended up here :)

I managed to create the following drawing, the numbers you see it the distance in feet. And I hope you guys could at least let me know if I should still give the Source a try or better concentrate on traditional speakers:


My setup so far:
Audio Analogue Primo Vento Tube-Hybrid Amp
Musical Fidelity V-Dac
Canton Vento 820 speakers



  • room.jpg
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I suggest give up the eating of food, that way you can eliminate the dining table and reconfigure your room !

On a serious note with respect to your layout while not ideal I beleive the source will work and if you are able to 'scootch' them out a little further into the room all the better.

BTW, they are a GREAT entry level ESL, IMO !!

oh yeah......Welcome to the forum BTW !!
The further you can push the sofa and speakers towards the dining table's side of the room, I think you'll get better sound. Partially because it will be more balanced without being pressed right up against that exterior wall, and partially because being further from the terrace door should allow you to pull the speakers a few inches further from the wall that is behind them.

Also, don't forget to toe-in the speakers a bit.
Thanks guys, thats what I needed to hear :D

I just need to make sure I am not going over the edge, otherwise the living room will be my new bedroom ;)

Thanks for the welcome! :) I will most likely posting some pics before and after the upgrade.


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