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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Again, fabulous information. Thank you RJ Thank you RJ, though at 67 I don’t knows I’ve got 15 years to choose 😂. Many amps and...
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
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      Chrispb1 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Yes, the SS 101 series was surpassed by the SS-103. Basically they're the same base circuit, no major changes there. However, it's the...
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Thanks again RJ, much appreciated. May I ask have you listened to the SS101 or is it assumption that the SS103 has moved the game that...
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Thank you again RJ
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      Chrispb1 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      G'day Chris. The Vitus SS 101 is much older series, it was ok back in the day but was surpassed by few other models. The Vitus SS-103...
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      Chrispb1 reacted to Jeff Zaret's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      I am running a Pass Labs 150.8 with CLSiiZ with no issues if that helps. It has been flawless for the last 3 years!
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Having discounted Luxman and Pass (those I can afford and afford to run), based on distortion below 2 Ohms, I’ve shortlisted used but...
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
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      Chrispb1 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Yes definitely the Magtech, no doubt. On a similar "level," we also have Krell, Bryston, Parasound, Class'e, Jeff Rowland and the list...
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Hiya RJ Thank you for your well considered response 🙏. From my research, I’ve read all I can find on the net and watched everything that...
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      Chrispb1 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Hooray!!! Well done matey. Looks fab! Yeah, white looks quite exquisite, very unique. Plenty of space there, really good placement for...
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      Chrispb1 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Oh yeah...!!! Nice one Chris mate, you'll be pleasantly rewarded! Funny one that, I've previously owned exactly those other speakers as...
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Does anybody use or have they heard the Gryphon Antileon Evo amplifier with CLX speakers please. Thanks
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      Chrispb1 replied to the thread New member.
      Using iso acoustic Titan feet 😁
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