Acoustic Reality eAR 202?

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Tampa, FL
Just wondering if anybody has tried the Danish Acoustic Reality eAR 202 with ML's. At $499 plus shipping, they are a compelling price point, in order to get into an ICEPower driven amp. I am seriously considering them for my Aerius (to replace an Adcom 545II).
I have tried the eAR with my Aeons and must say it was the most detailed sounding amp with the biggest sound stage yet in my system, bettering my own Chord SPM 1200E (more than 10x as expensive). What it DIDN'T do however, is present the music as a coherent whole, it strips the musical threads and throws them at you randomly, destroying rhythmic structures in the process. I might be very sensitive to these things, you might be more sensitive to its enormous power, great soundstaging, extreme detail and absolute neutrality... Always listen before you buy!
sleepysurf said:
Just wondering if anybody has tried the Danish Acoustic Reality eAR 202 with ML's. At $499 plus shipping, they are a compelling price point, in order to get into an ICEPower driven amp. I am seriously considering them for my Aerius (to replace an Adcom 545II).

I have a pair of 500W IcePower from danish - I love them see member system 17.