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    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 replied to the thread ML News tease.
      Balanced Force Subs are due for refresh, I would say.
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 reacted to JonFo's post in the thread How do you listen to your speakers with Like Like.
      It's all over the map for modern recordings, some manage to capture the venue and all its acoustics, such as the Khatia Buniatishvilli...
    • Fidji99
      If you like the music, there are several much better performances out there. Lang Lang’s venture to Bach from his usual romantic...
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 replied to the thread Cabinet Ring?.
      After such statement, I would for sure question professionalism of my dealer. Removing resonances is one of the basics of speakers...
    • Fidji99
      Try Neumann’s or Genelec’s, not possible,to make a wrong choice in their line-ups.
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 reacted to ttocs's post in the thread Room acoustics visualized with Like Like.
      This is the best Acoustics demonstration series I know of. It has lots of practical demonstrations with some of the most valuable being...
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 reacted to Big Dog RJ's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Just to quickly address the above two posts, as I don't want to derail this thread. After all, this is about Chris's new love and his...
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 replied to the thread New member.
      How do you handle sub integration? I think this can be the difference between good and great.
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 reacted to Chrispb1's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Hi RJ Well they are up and running and actually I think the white works, whether I stick with it or wrap them eventually is another...
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 reacted to Chrispb1's post in the thread New member with Like Like.
      Hi All, thank you for accepting me into your group. I’m expecting the arrival of a new pair of CLX Art on Friday and I’m quite excited...
    • Fidji99
      Re Distortion - lower in FR you go, less sensitive we are to distortion, in lowest frequencies THD below 10% is consider unaudible...
    • Fidji99
      Fidji99 replied to the thread Spikes vs. Gaia Isolation Feet.
      It makes perfect sense for speakers with 3 spikes, getting 4 spikes right on the stone slab is quite tough, you can be still left with...
    • Fidji99
      Tough one, I have 3 pairs of XT35's and I am driving them with Purifi 1ET400 modules from Audiophonics [you get similar from I think is...
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