what amp to use with Renaissance 15a

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Apr 7, 2022
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Looking for amplifier recommendations to use with the 15a. currently using Nuforce 9v3se but looking for something at the same level as the speaker. Listened to the Sanders and did not like it. Recommendations welcome.

Anything that produces 100+ watts per side should do for power, what you really want to look for is impedance stability, I'd look for amplifiers that continue to double down until at least 2 ohm.

The new Schiit Tyr monoblocks would drive them well for about $3400US for the pair, they can drive low impedance loads no issue they say. Lots of other options as well depending how deep you want to dig into your bank account. Pass labs class A amps will drive almost anything as well.

Looking for amplifier recommendations to use with the 15a. currently using Nuforce 9v3se but looking for something at the same level as the speaker. Listened to the Sanders and did not like it. Recommendations welcome.

Curious, what was it about the Sanders amp you did not like? Was it a new model being sold now? I'm curious because that's a amp I'd consider buying now. I don't need one, but if I did I'd try one of the two Sanders amps.

My Aragon 2 channel drives my Prodigies great. You could look at that. The price seems to have gone nuts though. They sell for between $12,009 and $14,000 now. I'm not sure what your budget is.
I'll chime in with my usual 2c...

Bryston 4B-ST, 4BSST, etc. They're rated at 250W/channel into 8, and scale well to the low impedances offered up by the MLs.

You can (with patience) find a second-hand 4B-ST for about $1,000 (Ebay, Audiogon, etc.). The newer models are quite a bit more dear, but they have 20 year warranties (!), and are solid as a rock. I find them very neutral. I used to see them in studios quite often, and always wanted my own... now I have them and I never worry about amplification!

Driving SL2s, Aerius i's, Theatre, Stage X.

Good luck!
I'll chime in with my usual 2c...

Bryston 4B-ST, 4BSST, etc. They're rated at 250W/channel into 8, and scale well to the low impedances offered up by the MLs.

You can (with patience) find a second-hand 4B-ST for about $1,000 (Ebay, Audiogon, etc.). The newer models are quite a bit more dear, but they have 20 year warranties (!), and are solid as a rock. I find them very neutral. I used to see them in studios quite often, and always wanted my own... now I have them and I never worry about amplification!

Driving SL2s, Aerius i's, Theatre, Stage X.

Good luck!
Bryston is definitely a solid bet, they've made awesome amps forever.
It sounds great on my Focus center channel speaker. Seems like a great product at an incredible price.
I have one each for my 11a's and ESLC center channel. I think they deliver great quality and value. When I look at the specs for this vs other "high-end" amps, I can't justify the extra $ for the same or lower specs. Maybe there is a noticeable difference with a Bryston / Sanders / Rowland / Boulder etc... Maybe I'll get there one day. For now, this works really well.
I find myself suddenly in the market for new solid state amplification, so I'm intently listening in to hear everyone's thoughts.

My Krell and other amps took a hit last Monday with an electrical event lasting just a couple seconds. Off/on/off/on, don't know what kind of voltage was involved, but it only seemed to knock out some channels on several amps, three of them were on the Krell. Krell no longer has output boards for it, and I won't repair it with used parts that might have issues.

As mentioned above, the Schiit Tyr seems interesting.

I'd like to know more about why the Sanders amp didn't work out for @jpr6591.

I like McIntosh, but not with ML speakers at higher volume. (It's been a long time since the demo, 9 years, and it was with one MC275 driving two ML's and a 5 channel amp driving a different pair of ML's, and both exhibited some "compression" at higher volume like they were running out of steam. But what I don't recall is if the 5 channel amp had the 2Ω taps, it may not have had them.)

Another Krell is a possibility.

I'm buying a Emotiva HC-1 for my center speaker. I tried a pair last year with the 13A, and while they performed very well, they were not quite as good as the Krell. Well, since then, I bought AntiCables ZERO autoformers and was using them with the Krell for an even sweeter sound. So maybe I should get an extra HC-1 and try again with ZERO's connected.

And finally, there's a Classe Delta Stereo amp that was a demo unit that's available for $4K under list price.

This is all under duress at the moment, but the plan was to go looking middle of next year for amps that would give me what I've wanted for the last couple years, Effortless. I don't know if I can afford effortless at the moment, so maybe "just get by" will be what I get for now. And frankly, the HC-1 is much better than an amp model to just get by with, so it's pretty high on the list right now, and coupled with that would be to try a pair of Tyr amps from Schiit.
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I have one each for my 11a's and ESLC center channel. I think they deliver great quality and value. When I look at the specs for this vs other "high-end" amps, I can't justify the extra $ for the same or lower specs. Maybe there is a noticeable difference with a Bryston / Sanders / Rowland / Boulder etc... Maybe I'll get there one day. For now, this works really well.
The value is undeniable. Im very happy with it. Emotiva seems like a great brand. Id consider one of their Atmos pre-amps too I think. That or Anthem.
I have been powering my renaissance (15As) with Spectral 400’s, I have no complaints, but you may have to wait awhile to get a pair as there only a few operations in the US that sell Spectral equipment.
JPR, what is your current preamp, and what do you use for speaker cables and interconnects? Just curious.
I’m a firm believer in matching components in any system with similarly priced components so given the fact that those are $30k speakers, you may want to take a very serious look and listen to a Boulder 1160 stereo amp. When I bought my Odysseys used from Quintecence Audio in Chicago they hooked them up to the Boulder 3050 monoblocks that were in their what I called “mortgage required” listening room. All I will say is my jaw is still laying on the floor in that listening room. I had to only listen for a few minutes because I know I will never be able to own those amps and the sound was THAT MUCH BETTER, than ANYTHING I’ve heard in 40 years of listening.
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I’m very happy with my Luxman m900u. It works nicely with the 15a’s. I previously had boulder and I’m happier with this combo.
Thinking on going the BAT-VK600 route....The cabling is Acoustic Zen double barrel shotgun and Absolute interconnects and Krakatoa power cables. Mytek Mahattan II dac/preamp/phono.
