Randy from Knoxville

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Jan 29, 2019
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My audio path started with Magneplanars, then onto ML Sequels and CLSIIZ's. I loved the CLSIIZ and drove them with Audio Research Classic 120s but wanted more meat on those midrange bones.
So I veered off from planars to go with a pair of Alon Circes, which sounded great on everything, to a pair of Verity Parsifals, which sounded a bit better on somethings but worse on others.

Recently, I started thinking about MLs again and decided to go with the CLXs. I purchased a used pair from Chicago, had to make some repairs on the electronics box, which broke in transit.
But boy do I love those speakers. They have more meat than the CLSIIZ's, better bass even without a sub, and are more "of a piece", meaning that the sound is good from top to bottom with no
gaps. I now drive these with an Audio Research Ref.150SE amp and do not feel the need for more power (I know that Krells are supposed to be a better match but I love tubes). I also have ARC Ref.5SE
preamp. My room is 14 x 20 feet and the speakers filled the room with sound. I have about 6 tube traps on the front and side walls.

Not leaving well enough alone, I then acquired a pair of REL Carbon limited subs. These subs fill out that bottom octave and blend beautifully with the CLXs. In case my wife is reading this,
let me say that I am done at least till my kids are through college!

Wow! The first member here who lives in the same city as me :)

I paid for my very last semester of college this January :rocker:

Both my children are now officially out of the nest.

I have no upgrade planned though. I have another obsession right now.

Most recently my wife has been driving my speakers as follows:

Spotify via Roku 3 -> optical out -> OPPO 105D

Not the highest quality source, but my speakers are getting more use now. Go figure!
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Wow! The first member here who lives in the same city as me :)

I paid for my very last semester of college this January :rocker:

Both my children are now officially out of the nest.

I have no upgrade planned though. I have another obsession right now.

Most recently my wife has been driving my speakers as follows:

Spotify via Roku 3 -> optical out -> OPPO 105D

Not the highest quality source, but my speakers are getting more use now. Go figure!

Congratulation on no college debt Mark. It is a challenge many face.
Good to hear you are back to ML's. I started with SL3s and moved to CLS IIz driven by Classic 120's and ARC LS25. Like you, moved to CLX and love the sound they are capable of.
Keep us updated with your progress.

Congratulation on no college debt Mark. It is a challenge many face.

Agreed. Both of my children have no college debt and much better off for it. For many it is a crushing debt load similar to a mortgage payment.

Hopefully it was obvious I was talking about my children's college expenses. I've been debt free for many years now. In fact it appears that I've been with out a loan payment of any kind for so long that my credit rating now bounces up and down each month based on a snapshot of my only CC balance that I pay off in full each month. Crazy stuff. It appears that I should actually get another CC to leave with a 0 balance just to level this out. Apparently I shouldn't have canceled that old Discover Card that I never used. <sigh> You try to do the right thing, but credit ratings require using credit. :p The only reason I use a Credit Card and not my Debit Card is that it is pretty universally accepted that using a CC is much safer.
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