New Logan earbuds Mikros 70

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Active member
Sep 6, 2008
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Here you go.

Really? Earbuds?

What's next? Computer monitor speakers? Ipod sound docks? Geez . . .
Thanks for that, Tom. I figured I was going to get slammed for being overly negative.
Really? Earbuds?

What's next? Computer monitor speakers? Ipod sound docks? Geez . . .
Hold your breath, Rich; they WILL come.

The bean counters have inherited the earth.

I think we are all expecting to see ML exit the high-end speaker business.
I don't have an issue with them making "headphones" but I wish they would have been exactly that, HEADPHONES. Sweet daddy electrostatic headphones.
I have it on pretty good authority that it will not happen, if ever, for at least a couple of years as there is new high-end product in the pipeline.
How many of us here would even consider it, considering the current discussions taking place here?
I'd be willing to bet that ML didn't develop these earbuds.. Maybe the shape of them, but not the transducers. Just slap their logo on them and put them up on a website... I agree that some ML electrostatic headphones would we worth investigating......
Should earbuds really be designed to achieve a truly frightening 111.46dB SPL? Is that typical? And what's with specing SPL to the hundredths of a dB? I smell poor specmanship.

You think that's bad, just check the weight on those things.
You guys really need tp grow up.ML needs to make money to survive.Many young people use these.They are even getting reviews in Stereophile.I assume most you are old guys and think all ML should do is what makes you happy.If you have a problem with ML'Then start you own speaker company in the current buisness climate in this Going down the tubes counrty.More more money ML makes with these types of product the more they can spend on higher end product development.
You guys really need tp grow up.ML needs to make money to survive.Many young people use these.They are even getting reviews in Stereophile.I assume most you are old guys and think all ML should do is what makes you happy.If you have a problem with ML'Then start you own speaker company in the current buisness climate in this Going down the tubes counrty.More more money ML makes with these types of product the more they can spend on higher end product development.

I am 47 and quite "grown up" thank you very much. Perhaps you are too young to see the writing on the wall from the totality of ML's business decisions over the last few years. Perhaps you don't have a clue about what has happened at other high end audio companies that have gone this route, such as Infinity, Klipsch, and a host of others. I don't think ML should do what makes me happy. I do lament the direction a former high end speaker company with world class customer service is taking. The whole "ML needs to make money to survive in this horrid business climate" is a crock of BS . . . a worn out argument that cannot withstand the slightest scrutiny. Has Soundlabs had to stoop to this level? Magnepan? Sanders Sound? McIntosh? I could go on and on. Your argument holds no water. As for the downfall of our country, I would say one of the many causes of that are companies like Shoreview Industries, ML's current owner, which buy great companies and then slowly take them apart and ship american jobs abroad. Wealth creators, indeed.

In the future, please direct your comments to the topic at hand and not to the other members. Disparaging comments aimed at other members like "you guys need to grow up" have no place in this forum. You can disagree on an issue without personally insulting those with whom you disagree.
My issue is really with the choice of the "ipod market push" instead of the true headphone market. How can a company make earbuds and call them "Reference". They may sound very good, but there is no way to get "Reference" quality from an earbud. Build a nice set of true headphones and yes, those can be "Reference" quality. Everyones ears are so different, and I don't care how many sets of covers they give you, they never feel good. I have never found a set of "buds" that I can wear for extended periods of time, eventually they end up hurting my ears. Hopefully they are testing the waters with these earbuds and a true pair of Headphones are in the pipeline because I would be very interested in a true Martin Logan set of HEADPHONES. I wonder how these earbuds compare to the top of the line earbuds that Paradigm came out with?
Really? Earbuds?

What's next? Computer monitor speakers? Ipod sound docks? Geez . . .

Get off my lawn you kids!

Come on Rich, if I had it my way we would have made a kick-ass powered computer speaker years ago instead of the little cheap-o computer speakers that are out there now -- but alas, the product development team has their own ideas. I guess that's because I spend 9-10 hours a day in front of a computer and would love to plug in something simple on my desk. For now I'm using a pair of Motion 2 with a Dynamo sub, powered by an integrated. While that's great-n-all, it's a little overkill, I think it would be much cooler to have two powered speakers that were specifically voiced for near-field performance, that could take a signal from a digital source, like my laptop, and throw some much-desired music my way.

But hey, that's just me, I guess it's not "audiophile" enough for you, eh?

Relax man, it's just audio.

You guys really need tp grow up.ML needs to make money to survive.Many young people use these.They are even getting reviews in Stereophile.I assume most you are old guys and think all ML should do is what makes you happy.If you have a problem with ML'Then start you own speaker company in the current buisness climate in this Going down the tubes counrty.More more money ML makes with these types of product the more they can spend on higher end product development.

A company, where I spent most of my career, had a logo of a hand reaching for the stars. When a principle was asked about it, he replied that "When you reach for the stars, you are less likely to come up with a handful of mud". Many of us here believe that Martin Logan's reach. lately, has not been very high and that a corporate course correction is needed.
But hey, that's just me, I guess it's not "audiophile" enough for you, eh?

Relax man, it's just audio.


Nope, not nearly "audiophile" enough. I think I'll go out and purchase an Infinity IRS reference system. Oh, wait, Infinity doesn't make high end speakers anymore since they got bought out. Oh well.