Lifetime Service for MartinLogan Products

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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2009
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Loyal MartinLogan customers,

Recently we announced a decision to discontinue our service support for certain legacy MartinLogan products that are no longer in production.

Well…we messed up.

Today I’m pleased to announce, after much discussion, the following:

1) MartinLogan stands behind every speaker made and will offer lifetime service and support for every model.
2) We will still offer a Loyal Customer Discount Program option to upgrade to a current production ML model, should your legacy ML product need service.

We need to refocus some energy on providing the best possible customer service, and it starts here with our most loyal and long time customers.

Forgive us for our blunder and we hope you continue to enjoy your MartinLogan speakers for many years to come. Please contact us directly at 785-749-0133 with any service issues or for more information about our Loyal Customer Discount Program.

Warmest Regards,

Justin Bright
Marketing Director

Added 09/24/2017:
From ML:

Due to some confusion we want to clarify the above information. Lifetime service is not a lifetime warranty. Lifetime service means is that our service department will work with MartinLogan owners to help resolve issues on every product we’ve made, even if the product is out of warranty. This is not a guarantee that we will have parts on hand to fix every product we’ve made since 1983. Nor do products that are out of warranty receive free service parts. However, for example, if you have a Monolith II from the 80’s (true story—we still see these come in for service repairs) we will do our best to help keep these legacy products operational. In many cases we still have parts on hand that can be used to fix legacy speakers like this should the owner desire to invest in the necessary parts. Long story short, if your product is out of warranty and you want to fix an issue, reach out to our team and we will work with you to help resolve the problem.
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I think that's called stepping up to the plate, taking responsibility, and doing the right thing.

Although it appears I'll be changing speaker brands in the near future, I will always look back with fond memories of my audio journey over the last 20 years, in which four different models of Martin Logan speakers played a key role.

Thank you again for your recognition of and dedication to your most loyal customers.

Gordon :D
Great to see this, Justin. A wonderful New Year's gift for us all. Thank you !

2) We will still offer a Loyal Customer Discount Program option to upgrade to a current production ML model, should your legacy ML product need service.
I was not aware of such a program until now, but your statement begs the question: If I have a legacy product that does not need service, but I just want to upgrade, can I do so under this program ?

Once again, thank you.
I take this post back. Because you ML is only doing this because you want to charge us 2-3 TIMES MORE FOR PANNELS than what you did the year before!!!!

Ignore this --> As a member who currently owns and consitently uses 7 martin Logan speakers (old and new), you have just persuaded me to buy nothing but Martin Logan speakers!
Thanks so MUCH! :cheers:
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This news is so good, I'm going to change my will to specify burial in a CLX shipping box.

Thanks Justin (and ML Sr. Mgmt) for doing the right thing!
Excellent move!

It reinforces my faith in the organization and products.

Thanks and I still have mine ordered..

Big move Professionally. Way to step up. Whats Rich gonna do now EAT CROW ..:rolleyes: I hear its good while listening to Martin Logan speakers!:ROFL:
Wow! These types of changes rarely happens. I am duly impressed and warmed by it. I am relatively new to the ML world even though my entire system is ML...I look forward to eventual upgrades :D.

Quick question, not to be devil's advocate or anything....but I hope that the change didn't come with a price gouging attached to it? Did it?
Thanks and I still have mine ordered..

Big move Professionally. Way to step up. Whats Rich gonna do now EAT CROW ..:rolleyes: I hear its good while listening to Martin Logan speakers!:ROFL:

Wait, doesn't this basically mean that Rich was right?
Thanks and I still have mine ordered..

Big move Professionally. Way to step up. Whats Rich gonna do now EAT CROW ..:rolleyes: I hear its good while listening to Martin Logan speakers!:ROFL:

Dammit Chris I was going to say something to similarish effect... not quite so harsh but hey:)

Maybe it had something to do with the positive vibe edict I was trying to get Rich into, and Todd so excellently followed. Who knows?
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Certainly have redeemed yourselves!

Way to go ML - was about NOT to buy a set of CLS's - will now comfortably go ahead! Your customers from around the world are grateful for a monumental revision of policy! Thanks from South Africa!
Hey Justin -- Way to Go!!!

A Very smart decision by ML. Sound like someone's actually out there listening.

Thanks! This is terrific news, and quite likely changes my pending decision regarding selection of my next speakers.

this is exactly what many have been expecting from the get go, and more than some have been expecting - thank you and the powers that be for stepping up to the plate.

You have truly retunred ML to a place among the high-end companies that are in it for the sound and not just for buck.

Whats Rich gonna do now EAT CROW ..:rolleyes: I hear its good while listening to Martin Logan speakers!:ROFL:

Actually, it appears to be Justin and ML management that are eating crow right now. And for that matter, all you guys that made excuses for why they couldn't possibly provide lifetime support in this economy and saying those of us complaining about it should just shut up, yada yada yada, ought to be doing the same. That includes you, Chris.

As for me, I feel quite vindicated in my dissent on this subject. Had I and others not spoken out so vehemently against this policy, I have little doubt ML would have continued in the wrong direction. As Jefferson said, dissent is the highest form of patriotism. Personally, I think those who would quash reasonable dissent are fools. But I digress.

I congratulate current management for seeing the error of their decision and taking the difficult steps necessary to correct it. This kind of decision-making will go a long way toward elevating the perception of the brand and re-establishing Martin Logan as a legendary speaker manufacturer. My personal perception of current management has just been enormously upgraded, to say the least. I appreciate both the apology and the policy revision, and I offer my sincere respect to the people who made it happen. At this point, I have to say that I will certainly consider another Martin Logan speaker when I decide to upgrade my Summits. And I am happy to be able to make that statement.

Thank you, Martin Logan management, for doing the right thing by your customers and living up to the level of commitment to customer service set by Gayle Sanders. We, your loyal customers and fan base, greatly appreciate it.