Different Speakers
Yes folks, I did a search on "FAIRFAX SPEAKERS" and this came up.
Posted by Jason on April 08, 2003 at 15:06:54:
In Reply to: What speakers did you own before your MLs? posted by Peter_Klim on April 08, 2003 at 07:11:09:
For years I have been using an old vintage pair of 3-way Fairfax FSS speakers (circa 1974) that my father passed onto me. The company, originally from New York, has been defunct since the early 80s but was well-known in the disco era for a giant model aptly named "The Wall of Sound". My Fairfax speakers weigh about 50 pounds each with a solid walnut cabinet and actually sounded pretty darn good with all kinds of music (very open and powerful- great for reggae and old school boogie!). It was the perfect speaker for vinyl as I used to pound out every Led Zep, Who, Queen, AC/DC, Kiss and Deep Purple record I had in my collection. Later on I moved to a pair of cheap Mission bookshelf speakers before finally going "high-end" last year beneath it or not! I actually listened to my cassette deck in the car much more when I had my older system (taping albums from vinyl).
The MLs of course are in a different league. Yet I always have a fondness for these vintage speakers and they now sit somewhere in the basement as decorative pieces. MLs are the only brand I would consider if I am looking for electrostatic speakers. At one time, during the early 90s I was enamoured with Apogee ribbon speakers. Since owning a pair of Aerius i's my only upgrade in the future might be to a pair of ML Ascents. Other brands I thought about before purchasing MLs were Gershman Acoustics (Avante-Garde and GAP models) and Maggies 1.6 which my father now owns.
Musical Cheers!
Anyhow I am praying that someone out there can just have some knowledge about these huge speakers. I guess that I am hoping to find out they have decent value as they sound alright.I have worked along in life as most and was in financial services and doing OK. I had some time for music but most the time was spent working and I listened in the car on good systems between appointments. . Then over a multi year period my business spiralled downhill and failed . I just wasn't pushing it like I used to and thought I was a failure. I then started driving truck without decent pay due to no C.D.L. license but was still had no drive or energy. I started going to a college run course for my C.D.L license and had a sleep study done . That let me know that I had Sleep Apnea and Narcolepsy. I was let go from my Driving job and had to drop out of College even though it was only for three weeks I still will have to pay $1700.00 . .Why this is all being mentioned is because while I was going to school I was dreaming of finally being able to pick the audiosystem of my dreams. I was searching the net for what was out there and discovered you for example. I own a few items now that are exciting to me but the truck driving loot would have been able to afford me whatever I desired because my wife has a decent job and loves to watch movies at home. I presently have a set of Infinity RSII 's that need refoamed in that otherwise are in excellent condition except for one speaker cover which I just have to properly repair. I have some receivers/tuners in the basement that need looked at like a Harmon Kardon, a Superscope, a Marantz, and the Fairfax Speakers of what this post was about. I have over five hundred albums of music I love and have picked up while dropping into yardsales between appointments. Anyhow sorry about the diatribe and for coming in here and letting loose. I will lurk for a while longer and when I hear my first set of Martin Logans I hope they are all you guys make them out to be . As for me as I actually think my wife might like the look of them more than anything else I have owned and since I love Rock and Roll for the vocals mainly they seem like they could be a righteous fit. When the good life gets rolling again I may own set !Thank you for being there.