Would it be good to put the ML on a block of granite or stone?

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2005
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
Would it be a good idea to put the ML Mosaics on a slab of stone/marble/granite? I was thinking of picking a slab up at my local hardware store (Lowes, Home Depot, or Menards) and using it as a way to get the Mosaics just a wee bit higher and perhaps also stabilizing the speaker even more.

I have some "spikes" on the bottom, but they arent spikes perse.. they are flat discs on the bottom that cannot be removed.

Which slab type do you guys recommend? And... are they expensive?

A lot of people have had good results with marble slabs under there speakers. It can increase the over all dynamic properties of the speaker plus give a much more tightly focused bass. Yes it can get expensive, depending on the with length and thickness of the slab.
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Save money and put them on concrete slabs instead of marble. Concrete is a denser material than marble which tends to ring as well as being made from a brittle substance.
Dan Osib said:
Save money and put them on concrete slabs instead of marble. Concrete is a denser material than marble which tends to ring as well as being made from a brittle substance.

near me there is a installer of granite countertops. the sink cut outs get put on the lawn with "free" beside them.

no i'm not shipping a pair to you :)

yes, you have an installer of granite countertops near you :)
zaphod said:
near me there is a installer of granite countertops. the sink cut outs get put on the lawn with "free" beside them.

no i'm not shipping a pair to you :)

yes, you have an installer of granite countertops near you :)

:eek: :eek:

I have to look for one.
Just yesterday, my boss asked me if I wanted any of his 14x14x2 exposed aggregate pavers that make up his back patio. Seems he is having it redone and getting rid of the old. He has a power washer so we are going to wash all of the ones that I take. I do plan on taking two extra so that I can place my Speakers on them. Once I have them placed, I'll be happy to report my perceptions of any changes they make. I love it when things just fall in your lap.....:)
I want a pair!!

Too bad granite is soooo expensive for 2 sq feet each... $200 each at my local Lowes Hardware store! DANG!

I use a wood block

Which slab type do you guys recommend? And... are they expensive?

Instead of marble or granite blocks I use an maple butcher block, at least 1.50" thick, about the size, or larger, of your speaker base.
If you have a wood or ceramic floor the maple block could be placed directly on the floor.
If you have a carpeted floor you need to place 3 hard steel spikes between the maple block and the floor under the carpet, in order to couple the wood to the floor.
It will be even better if you use steel spikes between your speaker base and the maple block.
This trick will remove unwanted resonances from the speaker cabinet, and will give you a better focus and more warm to the music.
Instead granite or marble will give you a very hard an unmusical sound.
The maple block will cost you about $70.- each one.

Carpe Diem
Jeff Zaret said:
Very intersting concept. I wonder if other types of wood would react differently (Roberto??).
Got any pics of this?

Just curious. :rolleyes:

Jeff :cool:
Hola Jeff...Mr. Carpe Diem has a lot of experience with this...he knows of what he is talking about. It look to me that he is really a purist guy!. If I would look for the best, his advise is O.K.. What he is talking about it is called "mechanical impedance"...and the wood with the spikes will decouple the speakers from the floor to get the best of them without any resonance between the floor and the speaker´s cabinet...truly a hi-end solution without paying a lot of money!!!...happy listening, trust your ears!
Cheers my friends,
Joey_V said:
I want a pair!!

Too bad granite is soooo expensive for 2 sq feet each... $200 each at my local Lowes Hardware store! DANG!

There used to be a cemetary headstone place near here that had a whole enclosed lot of broken/miscut/etc. granite that they would let you haul off for free. Some of it was pretty big pieces (and the stuff is way heavier than it looks). You might see if you have a headstone place with similar offerings in your area.
As for myself, I'm using a "triple-decker" :D

- Spikes
- Marble tiles (unexpensive in this country)
- Floor mat (actually for tubs)


The overall result is quite impressive, in terms of precision in the sound delivered (especially for the bass), absence of any vibration in the floor, etc...
I am also considering putting my Ascent's and Descent on some granite slabs - I can get 30mil slabs made up and polished for a reasonable price.

I have a concrete floor with fairly thick underlay and carpet.

Is it worth doing and has anyone actually compared the difference with and without granite slabs?