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I'm still into fitness, but its hard with heart failure. I was a bodybuilder. I had my heart attack while squatting 455 lbs for 12 reps. That was my usual load. I suffered a giant blood clot. Found out I have a clotting disorder. It nearly killed me. I was around 235 lbs at 6 foot.
Respect! The most I’ve ever squatted was 315 lbs. for 5 reps. Doing much less than that for higher reps now. I’m currently losing weight, so can’t seem to go as hard in the gym.
Respect! The most I’ve ever squatted was 315 lbs. for 5 reps. Doing much less than that for higher reps now. I’m currently losing weight, so can’t seem to go as hard in the gym.
I'm only using 225 now for about 16 reps. Can't push to failure either because of my heart. I need to leave more reps in reserve or risk getting my heart rate too high which might trigger a bad arrhythmia. It's a wild balancing act for me. Workout hard enough to stimulate some growth but hold back so I don't kill myself.
I'm only using 225 now for about 16 reps. Can't push to failure either because of my heart. I need to leave more reps in reserve or risk getting my heart rate too high which might trigger a bad arrhythmia. It's a wild balancing act for me. Workout hard enough to stimulate some growth but hold back so I don't kill myself.
Now that's referred to as "Balanced Force!"
Apparently ML also adopts this element into their subs... no kidding!

Heavy weights... forget it! Nope, can't lift heavy anymore, after 50 it's not good for the joints. Anything under 50kgs is good enough for me, with plenty of reps and good cardio. Of course an ice cold beer after but that's only once a week, so I'm in control.

Good on ya mate!
Now that's referred to as "Balanced Force!"
Apparently ML also adopts this element into their subs... no kidding!

Heavy weights... forget it! Nope, can't lift heavy anymore, after 50 it's not good for the joints. Anything under 50kgs is good enough for me, with plenty of reps and good cardio. Of course an ice cold beer after but that's only once a week, so I'm in control.

Good on ya mate!
It's hard for me because 50kg would feel like I was just squatting with no weight at all. I'd have to do a terribly high # of reps and that's dangerous for me. I try to keep reps no higher than 20. Somehow I guess my body held onto some muscle I built up
Using the 225 lbs feels good for me. My joints get sore bad when I don't lift. Lifting for me is like the fountain of youth. If I go more than 1 week without lifting my whole body gets stiff and sore. My joints hurt bad. Mostly shoulders, knees, and back. After just 1 week of lifting I feel good.
Yes, lifting is actually one of the greatest strengthing exercises anyone could adopt but very few do In fact my physio always says, the most important muscle is not biceps, triceps or quads but the heart! If that muscle stops you're gone! So cardio is just as important as lifting I've got osteoarthritis now, mostly in my knees. I can't run anymore nor walk on concrete for long hours. I still see my physio every month and manage to get through the gruelling schedule provided, it keeps me going. So it's a tailor made program that includes a combination of cardio with lifting in-between, so not just lifting.

As we grow older, no matter how much you lift, there's significant muscle loss every year... so the idea to stay fit is keep up the routine and workouts, do as much as possible when possible. And most of all, don't overdo it! Don't want yo end up like Ronnie Coleman, I'd prefer Frank Zane.

Cheers, RJ

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