Sunnyboy 1956
radeep Puri.
Location New Delhi, India.
ML Model :Odyssey.
Year : July 2005.
Mods/Changes : Nil.
Associated equipment :
Clearaudio Emotion Turntable,
ARC SP 16 preamp,
Arcam FMJ CD 23 cdp,
Bryston 14 BST power amp,
Lyrita Audio tube preamp,
Lyrita AudioTube mono blocs,
Cardas Golden Cross interconnects,
Transparent Pcs on the cdp, preamp and power amp, Vibrapods,
12" rubber tube under a wooden platform supporting the TT and preamp.
Comments : This is a strictly 2 channel system that has been in the making for a long time. The MLs happened by accident. Was actually scouting for a replacement for a 4 yr old B&W CDM 9NT. Heard a demo of B&W 801 and Wilson 5.1 Watt and ended up with the Odsseys. Have managed to biamp the MLs using the Bryston to drive the woofers and a pair of tube monoblocs with the panels.
Initially there was a huge gain mismatch between the Bryston and the tube monoblocs. Managed to solve that by using the balancecd inputs on the Bryston which have a -6db gain attenuation coupled with the -3db adjust on the Odysseys.
If you are wondering about the Lyrita gear, it is made by a good friend. Check it out at www.lyrita-audio.com. These are only prototypes and are still being tweaked.The final article should arrive soon.
For the present am totally thrilled with the MLs. Pink Floyd never sounded better. The bass is truly awesome. On female vocals and jazz, the tubes sound divine with the ESL. Smooth uncluttered highs. Hopefully the sound will only improve as both the Bryston (recovering from major surgery) and the MLs achieve breakin.
Give me a shout if you are in my neck of the woods.Would be delighted to meet over a beer or whatever is your preferred beverage.
Happy listening.
Location New Delhi, India.
ML Model :Odyssey.
Year : July 2005.
Mods/Changes : Nil.
Associated equipment :
Clearaudio Emotion Turntable,
ARC SP 16 preamp,
Arcam FMJ CD 23 cdp,
Bryston 14 BST power amp,
Lyrita Audio tube preamp,
Lyrita AudioTube mono blocs,
Cardas Golden Cross interconnects,
Transparent Pcs on the cdp, preamp and power amp, Vibrapods,
12" rubber tube under a wooden platform supporting the TT and preamp.
Comments : This is a strictly 2 channel system that has been in the making for a long time. The MLs happened by accident. Was actually scouting for a replacement for a 4 yr old B&W CDM 9NT. Heard a demo of B&W 801 and Wilson 5.1 Watt and ended up with the Odsseys. Have managed to biamp the MLs using the Bryston to drive the woofers and a pair of tube monoblocs with the panels.
Initially there was a huge gain mismatch between the Bryston and the tube monoblocs. Managed to solve that by using the balancecd inputs on the Bryston which have a -6db gain attenuation coupled with the -3db adjust on the Odysseys.
If you are wondering about the Lyrita gear, it is made by a good friend. Check it out at www.lyrita-audio.com. These are only prototypes and are still being tweaked.The final article should arrive soon.
For the present am totally thrilled with the MLs. Pink Floyd never sounded better. The bass is truly awesome. On female vocals and jazz, the tubes sound divine with the ESL. Smooth uncluttered highs. Hopefully the sound will only improve as both the Bryston (recovering from major surgery) and the MLs achieve breakin.
Give me a shout if you are in my neck of the woods.Would be delighted to meet over a beer or whatever is your preferred beverage.
Happy listening.
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