Please EVALUATE MY SYSTEM before I pull the trigger....

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Jun 7, 2024
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Vancouver, WA
Hey there, upgrading my home theater after 30 years! My old Phase Technology / Definitive speakers sound decent, but after getting Wharfedale EVO 4.1s + KEF sub for my office, I was struck by the sound clarity and presence, which led me down an audiophile/home theater path to here.

My plan (which I will try to talk to Martin Logan about next week -- they didn't call back last week -- then purchase through a local dealer):

2Martin Logan F100s
1ML C100 center
2Surround ML MP10s
2Rear ML B100s
2ML AFX Height Speakers pair (renting, will have in-ceiling later)
1Marantz Cinema 30 (can power 11 speakers + subs)
2Hsu VTF-TN1 Subs

Room: currently 18 deep by 12 wide, will be smaller when I move to Europe in a few months, probably 15 x 10.

I am down to this so far after chatting with folks on AVSForum. So I am asking you folks here about this system setup too. Let me know whatcha think!

Whatcha think? Any flaws?
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No flaws really. However have you considered the Electrostatic speakers? Also for the front L/R i would suggest squeezing the F200s if the budget can afford it.

Not sure about the new HSU VTF-TN1 subs, I have one of the VTF-15H mk2 its previous model, knowing HSU I'm sure its just as good if not better.
No flaws really. However have you considered the Electrostatic speakers? Also for the front L/R i would suggest squeezing the F200s if the budget can afford it.

Not sure about the new HSU VTF-TN1 subs, I have one of the VTF-15H mk2 its previous model, knowing HSU I'm sure its just as good if not better.
Considered ES speakers but dynamics are better with these?

I heard the F200s and would get those for a large room, but ML themselves said to get the F100s unless you have a very large room.

Yeah will get those if I can’t get the TN1s. First two runs of TN1s are sold out. Supposed to be stellar.

Thanks for the feedback!
No flaws really. However have you considered the Electrostatic speakers? Also for the front L/R i would suggest squeezing the F200s if the budget can afford it.

Not sure about the new HSU VTF-TN1 subs, I have one of the VTF-15H mk2 its previous model, knowing HSU I'm sure its just as good if not better.
ESL's are wonderful, but not for everyone. All the discussions here about room problems and troubleshooting potential panel issues bring that point home. From a business standpoint, it's probably smart of ML to be expanding in the dynamic speaker space while keeping their flagship ESL's. Personally, if I were primarily into home theater and not music I probably wouldn't consider them. But that's an unrealistic hypothetical, as anyone who knows me knows.
will be smaller when I move to Europe in a few months, probably 15 x 10.
Your choices look good to me, and the dynamics of the new series are very good.
In Europe, most construction is concrete, so that room will benefit from some acoustic treatments (sourced over there). Even simple things like hanging large area rugs, offset by 3" from the wall will do wonders.
Your choices look good to me, and the dynamics of the new series are very good.
In Europe, most construction is concrete, so that room will benefit from some acoustic treatments (sourced over there). Even simple things like hanging large area rugs, offset by 3" from the wall will do wonders.
So have them hanging a few inches from the wall so that they aren't touching. I guess the added air back there and room for the carpet to vibrate in air helps? I hadn't thought of that.