System #516 (Ethos, Motif X, Motion 40, Dynamo 1000w)

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Active member
Sep 26, 2016
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Toluca Lake, CA
1. Member Name: Brett
2. Location: Toluca Lake, CA
3. ML Model (s): Ethos, Motif X, Motion 40, Motion 15, Dynamo 1000w
4. Years Purchased: 2015, 2016
5. No mods/changes
6. Associated Electronics: Marantz SR6010 Receiver, Panamax power block, Savant Universal Remote, Xbox One, PS4. Audio quest cables, spades, and banan clips. Rocketfish wireless receiver to connect motion 40's in rear (I know, hate wireless, but don't want to drill in wooden floors as we rent the house), Salamander Designs display cabinet
7. My Martin Logan story is an indecisive journey - not with the brand, but with which to keep! I started in 2015 in a one bedroom apartment so didn't go too crazy with my purchase. Had the Marantz 5010 receiver, paired with motion 15's and the motion 30 for the center. I had a dynamo 500 as my subwoofer. We moved into a house a few months later, so I bought the motion 40's to put up front, and moved the bookshelf 15's to the rear (via rocketfish wireless kit). After that, I noticed by center and sub weren't powerful enough for my liking so I went to Magnolia out here and they let me swap the center for the Motif X and the 500 for the 1000w. The difference was amazing! I swore I was done for a bit, but just last week they offered me a steal on the floor models for the soon to be (or now) discounted Ethos line. My plan was to upgrade to Theos and add another sub, but for the same price I got the Ethos instead for the active subs. Eventually, I am sure I will upgrade, but we watched "Cloud Atlas" last night (a MUST watch for ML speakers), and was blown away. Wanted to get your guys opinions on a few things:

1. Should I put more space between the Ethos?
2. Should I hook up some sort of amp to these - I am new to the audio world (my specialty is tv/video), so figuring out the best way to maximize everything
3. I still have the motion 15's - would I be better setting them up as atmos speakers in the main room? Or just using them to start a second system in the bedroom? I was thinking to buy the Sonos connect amp so I could stream music in the bedroom.
4. Any other recommendations/advice?

Thanks for any input and advice you guys may have!


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Let your ears tell you, how much space between Ethos is right. Move the loudspeakers 1 meter forward from the wall behind Ethos. For space between loudspeakers a good starting point would be 180 cm. Experiment with locating Ethos until the sonics from system is optimal.

SR6010 receiver is designed to drive loudspeakers whose resistance measured in ohms does not fall below 4 ohms. To this receiver connect Motion 40, Motion 15 and Motif X and subwoofer.

To extract the true measure of performance from Ethos you will need a stereo power amp to power the electrostatic panels. Though compatible with 4, 6, and 8 ohm amplifiers, the panels resistance is a low 0.8 ohms at 20 khz. Not much music info. above 18 khz and most people not possible to hear such high frequency.

Parasound A23 is made in Far East. Price is $2500 and is a good choice.

Anthem MCA 225 is completely built in Canada. Price is $2000. This power amp has understated treble. If you like bright sound then this power amp will not be to your liking.

The best option is Sander's ESL amp. Approx. twice the price of first two listed power amps.
Will make Ethos sing.

If your source is, highly recommended, Oppo 105 Darbee universal player. Then 5.1 output interconnects will attach to inputs of Marantz receiver.

Motion 15 set up Atmos speakers in the main room.
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Thanks for the input - I have heard mixed things about needing an amp to power these babies....I will look into the ones you said. Is the Sanders ESL Mark II the one you're referencing?
thanks again! also - i posted in another forum. thoughts on upgrading from motif x to stage x? is it worth it? huge improvement, or not worth the extra cash? thanks again!
System has been upgraded since I last posted this!

Now using a Marantz 8805 + Krell Chorus 5200 combo. Ethos fronts, Motif X center (upgrading to ESL C18 soon), Motion 40 rears. Also got an SVS PB-4000 sub since I'm 90-95% movies and gaming. Love the way this sounds - only thing left is some room treatment, but I might wait until we move to do that - this room is a nightmare