GIK 244 bass traps panels

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Gordon Gray

Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Alto, NM
HI all,

Ordered 3 of these, 2 @ 24" X 36" and 1 @ 24" X 48".

Need to tame a bit of excess bass energy of my recently acquired MBL 116's. Will be placing directly on floor / against the back wall behind the speakers. Will replace all the white panels I currently have installed. See picture for further info.

Will provide a follow up. Should receive in about 10 days.

Has anyone else tried this product?

Specs seem quite good and the price was reasonable.


I highly recommend the GIK products. I use the 244 and the Elite Bass Traps.

It would be a good idea to post your issues here as Bryan Pape and Glenn Kuras of GIK both frequent that site.

The fact that you are no longer an MLO it even makes more sense. *wink wink*

I believe they are in the area of 5-1/2".

They also, per specs, can help attenuate down to 50 hz.

Reason for ordering is the bass driver locations and how they load the room.

The 116's bass drivers are located on the sides of the speakers unlike ML's panels, which project forward and back from the speaker axis.

Wasn't an issue with the Summits. Definitely audible with the MBL's.

As it's an omni, I suppose you could try turning the speaker 90 degrees to make the bass units fire at you. Might look odd, and it wasn't designed to work in that manner, but it just might be worth a try whilst you are waiting? It might work surprinsgly well, Gordon.
Interesting concept Justin. You always come up with great ideas.

The overload issue is really quite small in most instances and, for most music, is not an issue. However, I'm convinced that some bass attenuation will be helpful in all cases.

I'm noticing the "bonk" on a few CD's. The Miles Davis mono recordings is one example. But we are going back to the early 50's.

The thing is that the mid and highs are just so flippin clear and transparent, which makes this anomaly stand out a bit when it exists on a recording.

I'll see what the 244's do and then adjust accordingly.

And I'll take you up on your idea Jason once I install the product.

Yes Gordon, we would like to know your views. Please share.
Hi all,

I do apologize for the lack of update.

In a phrase, they work very well.

Having said that, a lot has changed in the last 18 months.

As a result of speaker position tweaks, installing some Marigo Audio lead tuning strips on the structural members of my 4 bass drivers, a Marigo mod on my CDP, as well as eliminating the tube TV and stand that was to the right of the right speaker, I am currently using only one on the left side wall of my room. I have reinstalled my previous 2" thick panels on the rear wall. See picture for information.

Quite easy to determine their efficacy. After the various actions mentioned above (probably the biggest moving the speakers another 6" or so out into the room and to a lesser, but still significant degree, the lead strip install), the bass has become much more uniform and musical.

And this, of course, after numerous trial and error sessions over the last 18 months. My experience, once all was said and done, is to underscore the point that a room can be over dampened. As with all things audio, proceed with caution.

I'm a happy camper.


PS: And I did adjust toe in, quite dramatically, which altered the speaker / room interface issues.
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I'm not able to do this. Technically challenged. I still refuse to own a cell phone.

Will have to wait for a friend to shoot / upload some recent pictures.

Bottom line, pictures obviously cannot replace what one hears. And the only difference from my current, posted system is the MBL 116's versus the Summits.
