beanbag said:
My problem is that the stereo image seems to have too much stuff coming from the speakers, and not enough from in between. I
back to the original problem
while ML do disperse at 30degrees or so, they are still reasonably beamy, in that they disperse less than traditional cone drivers. i know that i get a much better image than my wife who sits a couple of feet to the left of center (guess who's in center

so placement of the ML's is going to be really important, here are few things i've done in the past.
experiment with listening distance. move your head forward and back and listen for staging differences.
experiment with toe in. i recently adjusted my CLS a bit (only a few inches) and the soundstage went wild, both for 2 channel and surround media.
if you find that changing the listening distance fixed the center image, then toe-in can achieve the same result.
as mentioned by others, check the phasing - is one of your speakers out of phase with the other. we've all accidentally hooked up on speaker cable incorrectly and gotten bad imaging.
close your eyes when you are listening for a problem. it can really help to remove the sense that the brain trusts more. when i'm fine tuning balance, i shut my eyes point to the center image and then open my eyes. with my eyes open i tend to shift the center image to the left of actual center. with eyes closed, my ears set things up right.
in your case, use a mono recording, or other mono signal to check things. perhaps your preamp has a mono or mix-down mode. back in the days when LP was king, many pre-amps had a mono switch to help in cartridge alignment.
if you don't have a mono recording, try mixing the L+R with a Y-connector.
remember that good mono recordings won't have everything jammed into a small center image, but will have a wide image between the speakers. again, close your eyes and hear what is being presented.
the difference between a stereo recording and a good mono recording is rather like the difference between sitting 7th row center and way in the back of the auditorium.
hope that this helps.