Well-known member
You mean they were offering to screw you again?not just the chump change towards future gear that they offered.
You mean they were offering to screw you again?not just the chump change towards future gear that they offered.
You mean they were offering to screw you again?
I guess it could be interpreted that, no they gave me $75 credit towards future purchase as a way of placating me for the first screw up. The trouble is that's a moot point once you've ****ed someone off so badly that they would never buy from you again. They essentially gave me nothing. Part of that orignal offering was that this VP was going to "personally" stand over QC to assure that the unit I got was perfect...which was obviously just lip service and not the truth because the next day they shipped THE WRONG MODEL.... how could that have happened if he personally supervised the process, unless he was drunk or high on something...which is always a possibility.
OK...the second screw up is over and then they ship a third unit. Now, wouldn't you think that after two screw ups that VP would make sure that everything was 100%?...well he didn't. If you can ignore the fact that they shipped it to the wrong address and I had to go drive 45 miles each way to retrieve it from the Fedex facility in West Palm Beach..then you have to look at the fact that the third unit they sent was defective ...the voltage staus lights on the back don't illuminate. Granted, this is very minor but not so minor when you consider that the VP had promised me he would stand over the shipment to make sure it was right.
That's why if I were the owner of Emotiva I would fire this guy in a heartbeat. VPs (especially of Sales) are supposed to improve the companies image and sales, not destroy it! You would think SOMEONE would have been concerned enough to make sure....
They couldn't spare a few mins of their time to check it out...when I was waisting hours waiting for Fedex to deliver defective equipment, running after misaddressed gear, shipping them back their mistakes....I find that not only rude and inconsiderate but so irresponsible. I'm sorry, but just because your equipment is cheap does not give you permission to be rude and irresponsible.
Nobody could ever possibly convince anyone that this was an isolated event. Screw up once, yes, twice; unlikely, three times makes them total idiots in my book.
This is not a thread hijack. A major part of equipment purchase is customer support, and I think that a potential purchaser should know about the performance and customer support experiences (good and bad) in the same thread.So it looks like my thread got hi-jacked. Please keep on topic. I will ask a mod to move the off-topic posts to another thread with a title describing the issue. This is not the thread for your complaints about your situation.
Epic fails do sometimes happen when things are done daily basis in large/mass scale (ask from tax administaration). I have got the impression that strong majority of Emo customers think that the customer service is top notch. From international customer's point of view, I think it's only from average to good, not excellent. One should remember not to generalize too easily, but look at the big bicture.
This is not a thread hijack. A major part of equipment purchase is customer support, and I think that a potential purchaser should know about the performance and customer support experiences (good and bad) in the same thread.
How are you able to answer any questions about the product?The purpose was to post my impressions of the XPA-1 monoblocks and answer any questions about that product.
You dont own logans and your just here to praise Emotiva CS ?
This is not a thread hijack. A major part of equipment purchase is customer support, and I think that a potential purchaser should know about the performance and customer support experiences (good and bad) in the same thread.
How are you able to answer any questions about the product?
Re the hijack, my concern is that if you separate the praise about the performance from the comments about customer service, you may read how wonderful it sounds but miss the thread about positive and negative customer experiences. I would not buy a product that sounds wonderful but has bad after-sales support.
Always the gentleman G.
Did I really say that? Almost sounds profound or silly, depending on your perspective. Then again, life is full of nuances and that's where the magic is IMO.
Back on topic, sort of. Sorry Runnin.
Wonder if anyone has compared the Emos with the Odyssey Audio Khartago Stereo amp (130W X 2 / $795 list) or the mono version ($2K). Absent apparent QC / service issues, this is supposed to be another giant killer at its price point.
Take care and I hope all is well with you and your family.
My question may seem asinine to you, but I was asking it in the context that I normally only expect a product manager to say he can answer any questions about a product. In stating that my question is asinine, you have started a flame, and I don't do flames, so this will be my last post in this thread.First of all, I own the XPA-1 monoblocks, so how exactly am I NOT able to answer questions about them? Your question seems pretty asinine to me.
Why do you take so personally a direct attack made not on you but on gear that you purchased ?Second, the first post in this thread not made by me was a direct attack on the gear that I purchased.
I think I have already answered that.It took about a page or two for that to settle down, THEN there was another post from a member about this horrible problem he was having. Explain to me why there was not a separate thread with an appropriate title so that people searching the forum might be able to actually read about the Emo CS issue. Are you expecting people to comb through 3 pages of posts and stumble upon a complaint that they may not even be looking for? Wouldn't a more common sense way to make sure people knew about the issue that DrJRapp is having is to post a completely separate thread with a descriptive title so people could maybe use a search function? Seems pretty clear to me.
You're right about that. I and a whole bunch of others do that, with no objections from the thread starters....usually ! We are a pretty laid-back bunch about thread hijacking.Maybe, just maybe this is a forum where it is common-place to stray from the initial topic
Perhaps, but why are you taking it so personally?This thread has turned more into the bash Emotiva thread