Dolby TrueHD vs. DTS HD

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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
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Apple Valley, CA
With the new lossless codecs from Dolby Labs and DTS being either optional or mandatory on HD-DVD and Blu-Ray, hi-res audio may finally find a format that will be accepted by the masses.

First with the good news. HD-DVD and Blu-Ray both specify a maximum of 8 channels of audio. We don't have to worry about adding a gazillion more speakers anymore.

Now for the confusing parts. DTS will surely release hi-res audio in either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray or both. It also stands to reason that DTS will want to use the full complement of speakers of a 7.1 speaker setup since this would surely show off the new capabilities of their flagship product.

I am wondering if DTS will mix music based on their home theater speaker placement recommendations. Or will music in surround continue to be mixed with the surround channels much further behind the listener. My feeling is that future hi-res audio surround mixes will fall into the standard home theater speaker placement format.

(Sidebar: Both Dolby and DTS recommend surround speakers be placed at 90 degrees of the listening position (directly to the left and right of the listener). This is the optimal position for movies. The ITU specification sets the surrounds at 120 degress of the listening position. This is a compromise between home theater and hi-res audio and is not a mandatory spec. Many surround sound mixers create mixes with the surround sound speakers as much as 155 degrees from the listening position. No current hi-res audio format specifies more than 6 channels of audio so back surround speakers are not used in these mixes.)
Last I checked both formats Dolby and DTS were says they would be 7.1 standard, With Dolby being capable of having up to 12.1 channels of audio and DTS being unlimited in the amount of channels the engineers can add.
socialxray said:
(Sidebar: Both Dolby and DTS recommend surround speakers be placed at 90 degrees of the listening position (directly to the left and right of the listener). This is the optimal position for movies. The ITU specification sets the surrounds at 120 degress of the listening position. This is a compromise between home theater and hi-res audio and is not a mandatory spec. Many surround sound mixers create mixes with the surround sound speakers as much as 155 degrees from the listening position. No current hi-res audio format specifies more than 6 channels of audio so back surround speakers are not used in these mixes.)

dobly recommended speaker layout recommends from 90 to 110 degrees from center for the side channels, and while i can't find the reference now, it used to be straight 110.

anecdotally, i remember talking with a processor designer (bryston) who said that the mixes for dvds were done with 110 degrees. no cooincidence that this is where they recommend side be put :)

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