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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2008
Reaction score
Malmö, Sweden
Can anyone recommend some good british hifi forums?

I'm trying to find some info about my Sugden Optima Phono amplifier but haven't had much success, none to be precise.
There are two or three pretty good UK-based forums, frequented by all sorts of tecchies.

Given that you're after information on a phono stage, probably the best place to start would be Vinyl Engine. As the name suggests, they're into analogue . . . and there are at least one or two regulars who can almost certainly help out.

Less specialised is ZeroGain, which seems to attract a mix of folks. More technical, and the home of a number of builders/modders is Pink Fish Media. No idea where they got the name from, but there are some scarily bright people on there.


Yeah Neil - Pink Fish is pretty clever - I have been looking at it recently.

It's quite a lot cleverer than here...:eek:
Ahhh, dunno 'bout that. I wouldn't wanna compare the two, 'cos the folks who frequent these places want/need different things from them. :music:

Personally, I'm a bit wary of ultra-tech forums 'cos they have a nasty habit of attracting more than their fair share of narrow-minded militant-types. They also seem to get very cliquey, which gets old very quickly. :cool:

Nice system BTW . . .
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