Vertically stacking CLSes?

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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
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Suburb of Toronto, Canada.
I am soliciting feedback from anyone who has successfully vertically stacked a couple of pairs of CLSes. Unsuccessful feedback also appreciated.

I would need them to fill a loft/split level area, from 3' to 13' in the vertical plane. The objective is to get sound on the lower and upper levels at the same time thereby eliminating the need for 2 separate systems.

My brother-in-law, a welder, has some ideas for bracing the speakers to each other as well as to the ceiling. However, in order to get the top braced and also get the upper vertical array to propagate into my upper room, I may have to toss my Arcici's and rig up something different on the bottom.

Figured someone in here may well have implemented such a setup and could offer up some tidbits of advice.


- Kerry
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The structure will be complicated but should not be that difficult to do but I am not sure how good the resulting sound will be.

As you probably know the proper set up for CLS's is to be listening to the vertical center of the panel.This usually requires the necessary height of stands to achive this. I don't know how high the Arcici stands are so you will need to make that call. The panel should be tilted so you are receiving the sound from the panel evenly. To much back tilt and the sound waves from the bottom of the panel will reach you first then the balance of the panel sound will follow creating a odd distortion. To much forward tilt will do the same just sound from the top of the panel first.

I would think trying to have two sets of panels connected together to provide good sound on different floors will be very difficult at best unless you create a multi adjustable frame for them.

Long speaker cables to the loft and placing one pair of CLS's there might give you better sound with less work. Just my opinion.

If you do decide to do this please post pics of the construction and install. We all love seeing pics of peoples projects.
Good luck
Hi, Brad.

The structure will be complicated but should not be that difficult to do but I am not sure how good the resulting sound will be.

As you probably know the proper set up for CLS's is to be listening to the vertical center of the panel.This usually requires the necessary height of stands to achive this. I don't know how high the Arcici stands are so you will need to make that call. The panel should be tilted so you are receiving the sound from the panel evenly. To much back tilt and the sound waves from the bottom of the panel will reach you first then the balance of the panel sound will follow creating a odd distortion. To much forward tilt will do the same just sound from the top of the panel first.

I would think trying to have two sets of panels connected together to provide good sound on different floors will be very difficult at best unless you create a multi adjustable frame for them.

Long speaker cables to the loft and placing one pair of CLS's there might give you better sound with less work. Just my opinion.

If you do decide to do this please post pics of the construction and install. We all love seeing pics of peoples projects.
Good luck

Yep, your concerns are mine as well. Unfortunately, my area up in the loft is quite tiny and not really capable of accommodating of any system nevermind a set of CLSes. But there is a ton of airspace in front which I'd love to be able to utilize.
Brad, I had the same thoughts as you until i realized that he wants to feed an upper and lower part of the house with CLS. with the zero horizontal dispersment of the CLS, this arrangement might work well.

One that that hasn't been considered (or maybe it has) is the electronics box on the upper set. is it just going to hang off the panels 8 feet in the air?

if there was a way to fold flat the electronics that would be a lot cleaner looking.
Hi, Lance.

Brad, I had the same thoughts as you until i realized that he wants to feed an upper and lower part of the house with CLS. with the zero horizontal dispersment of the CLS, this arrangement might work well.

One that that hasn't been considered (or maybe it has) is the electronics box on the upper set. is it just going to hang off the panels 8 feet in the air?

if there was a way to fold flat the electronics that would be a lot cleaner looking.

Up/down adjustment and the upside down electronics box are my two biggest concerns. Well, disfiguring the panels in the event I am not happy with the resultant sound is another serious concern too I suppose.
Nice idea! BTW, I think that building new frame(s) so that stacked panels would have minimal gap between would make for best integration.
Nice idea! BTW, I think that building new frame(s) so that stacked panels would have minimal gap between would make for best integration.
After giving this thought and running through alternatives, I believe you are right.

For the time being I am leaving well enough alone and listening to these as is. But, upon my retirement, I plan on building new frames and integrating them together this way.