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EXCLUSIVE: Vantage info :D
(See attached file)


    97.5 KB · Views: 1,195
oh god, i can't wait!! anyone know if supply of these is going to outweigh demand? not sure how it's gone for the summit's.

also, do you guys think a local dealer would give any sort of discount if you just called up and said you just wanted to order them. seems like that'd be a tiny bit of work for them for a big profit...
Steve Daigneault said:
oh god, i can't wait!! anyone know if supply of these is going to outweigh demand? not sure how it's gone for the summit's.

also, do you guys think a local dealer would give any sort of discount if you just called up and said you just wanted to order them. seems like that'd be a tiny bit of work for them for a big profit...

I don’t think you will get a discount on a brand new product, martin Logan’s are price protected from the get go.

If your serious about purchasing a pair I would call your local dealer and ask about pre-ordering a pair. Showcase in Phoenix, AZ, said I could purchase a pair of Aeon i's before they were released and would get my pair the same time they get there demo pair in.
I wonder when, "Magnolia Hi-Fi" will have it in?


I am planning to check out ML's, 'Vantage', at "Magnolia Hi-Fi". this month or next when ever they get some in... :D

I just wish, I liked the Vantage's looks as well as the Ascent i's... :eek:



I personally like the vantage for its simplistic design. I am thinking about replacing my ascents, but if I do there is only one speaker I will replace them with and that’s the summit. I would like to audition the vantage to see just how well the vantage compares to the performance of the summit. If the vantage plays as well as I think it will, I would use it for surround duty.

We shall see.

If you get to here the summit or vantage, let me know what you think.
Here is a new photo I found of the vantage with the ML Summits, from CEDIA'05.

MartinLogan Summit and Vantage hybrid electrostats

MartinLogan's flagship hybrid electrostat, the Summit, is now shipping. But to our great surprise, the firm announced at CEDIA a new, more affordable, stable mate called the Vantage. The Vantage will sell for around $5000/pair-roughly half the price of the Summits. Here you see the Vantage between a pair of Summits.



  • IMG_0928.jpg
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Steve Daigneault said:
oh god, i can't wait!! anyone know if supply of these is going to outweigh demand? not sure how it's gone for the summit's.

also, do you guys think a local dealer would give any sort of discount if you just called up and said you just wanted to order them. seems like that'd be a tiny bit of work for them for a big profit...
How can you buy something this expensive without a careful home audition? Just because something is newer, doesn't mean it's better. I heard ML is going to start making all of it's product in China. What do you think of that?
ovature said:
How can you buy something this expensive without a careful home audition? Just because something is newer, doesn't mean it's better.
The Summit was released first followed later by the Vantage. The audio performance of the summit blew people away with how good this new speaker was, smaller then the prodigy but with a bigger bolder sound that is just intoxicating to listen to. The big drew back was the $10,000 price tag. But alone come the Vantage with a narrower panel, single 8” drive and a 200watt mono amplifier built in for half the price of the Summit. Basically everyone was hoping for a speaker that was half the price of the summit but with almost the same sound performance. Well guess what? We got it, the Vantage is smaller then the summit, half the price and offers about 80% of the summits performance.

People were lining up for the Vantage based off what the summit could do, and I think everyone here will agree that a properly setup pair of Vantages will not disappoint.

I heard ML is going to start making all of it's product in China. What do you think of that?
I think you’re a day late and a dollar short.

The Martin Logan designer series are made over seas, but the ESL series are made in the USA.
Zip3kx07 said:
The Summit was released first followed later by the Vantage. The audio performance of the summit blew people away with how good this new speaker was, smaller then the prodigy but with a bigger bolder sound that is just intoxicating to listen to. The big drew back was the $10,000 price tag. But alone come the Vantage with a narrower panel, single 8” drive and a 200watt mono amplifier built in for half the price of the Summit. Basically everyone was hoping for a speaker that was half the price of the summit but with almost the same sound performance. Well guess what? We got it, the Vantage is smaller then the summit, half the price and offers about 80% of the summits performance.

People were lining up for the Vantage based off what the summit could do, and I think everyone here will agree that a properly setup pair of Vantages will not disappoint.

I think you’re a day late and a dollar short.

The Martin Logan designer series are made over seas, but the ESL series are made in the USA.
The rumor is that ALL ML products in the future will be made in china and that they will manufacture nothing in the USA in the future. This info came from a current ML dealer. I personally think the Vantage sounds like Hi Fi, not like music and I have heard it in 4 locations including the Dealer in Kansas City that is ML's closest dealer. It sounded fake like a HT speaker. Regardless, since a speaker is so system and room dependent, my opinion is that anyone who buys something this expensive without a home audition is taking a very dumb risk because it may not work properly no matter what it sounds like in the store. As far as the appearance is concerned, it's totally subjective and from reading the other posts, I am not the only one on here that thinks the current ESL line-up is ugly; just a panel bolted to an ugly square box. I am sure it is cheaper to make and the veneer they are using on the cabinet is paper thin. I saw a chipped corner and it was total crap. My enthusiasm for ML has nothing to do with the current line which I think is garbage.
With all due respect to you, the ML dealer is full of shit. I have talked with ML directly many times and not all products will be made off shore only the lower end (not quality) of the product lines.
The Vista. Vantage, Summit and others are made in the USA.

Jeff :cool:
That doesn't change the fact that the new Vantage and Vista is constructed cheaply and made like garbage. I guarratee you it's cheaper to make than the old style and IMO it's just plain UGLY.
ovature said:
That doesn't change the fact that the new Vantage and Vista is constructed cheaply and made like garbage. I guarratee you it's cheaper to make than the old style and IMO it's just plain UGLY.

well I will comment. I think their new line looks cheap and the box is ugly. They could have rounded the corners and not used that cheap, paper thin veneer. Just test it for yourself at a dealer. You'll see how it peels off like chocolate on an ice cream bar. They are probably having someone else make these cheap garbage cabinets.
Kruppy said:
wake up and smell the coffee Mr. Kruppy. We should all write letters to ML and tell them we want the old look back, not their ugly new atrocities!
ovature said:
well I will comment. I think their new line looks cheap and the box is ugly. They could have rounded the corners and not used that cheap, paper thin veneer. Just test it for yourself at a dealer. You'll see how it peels off like chocolate on an ice cream bar. They are probably having someone else make these cheap garbage cabinets.


I own a pair of Vantages -- these are beautifully-built 'speakers and the veneer on mine at least is far from "paper-thin." It compares well with the Pro-Acs I sold to buy them while obviously not in the Sonus Faber league, but these are in my view elegant and solid. The sound again is about as far from "Hi-Fi" as it gets -- relaxed but extended mids and highs, tuneful bass, excellent dispersion and superb timing with both my Quad gear and a friend's Cairn/Cary system. I'm surprised by your comments, to say the least.


kirkawall said:

I own a pair of Vantages -- these are beautifully-built 'speakers and the veneer on mine at least is far from "paper-thin." It compares well with the Pro-Acs I sold to buy them while obviously not in the Sonus Faber league, but these are in my view elegant and solid. The sound again is about as far from "Hi-Fi" as it gets -- relaxed but extended mids and highs, tuneful bass, excellent dispersion and superb timing with both my Quad gear and a friend's Cairn/Cary system. I'm surprised by your comments, to say the least.

Evryone hears differently. The extended mid and highs you hear are irritating to me and enhance edgyness in bad recordings. I much prefer the sound of my SL 3 or the Ascent i as it has a "chesty" sound in the mids that is lacking across the new line. The works better with my Mac gear. Extended highs and bass make a speaker sound like Hi-Fi in some cases (especially bass; bass doesn't sound big and boomy in real life). IMO, the new design looks cheap and I was able to bust the veneer off a corner with my fingernail without even trying.