System #71 (CLS II)

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Name: Nicolai E

Location: Oslo, Norway

ML Model: CLS II

Year Purchased: 2005

Preamp: Vincent SA-T1
Amplifiers: Vincent SP-T100
CD-player: Denon DCD-S1
Turntable: Oracle Paris
Thank you Chris. All kinds really. Pop, funk, jazz, classical. And I use it for movies also. You can see my motorised screen in the ceiling.
Thank you Jeff :) Unfortunately I have no idea what make these are. I took them from my extensive collection of "might come in handy" :rolleyes:
Very nice system Nicolai :)

Nicolai said:
Thank you Chris. All kinds really. Pop, funk, jazz, classical. And I use it for movies also. You can see my motorised screen in the ceiling.

Do you mean that you're watching movies in 2.0 mode only?

What DVD player are you using? What king of video projector is associated with this setup?

As far as basse are concerned, are CLS self sufficient? You seem not to have a sub-woofer, do you?
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Yes. Only 2 channels for movies. My main priorety is music so I do not want to sacrifice quality by adding channels and change preamp etc. I rather use that extra money to improve my existing channels. I have a Samsung DVD-HD935 dvd-player with DVI-out and a Panasonic PTA-E700 projector. The sound from the dvd goes into the digital input on my DCD-S1.
I also have a Velodyne DD-18 servo controlled subwoofer which gives flat response in my room to 15hz. It is rather expensive, but the only sub I know of who can keep up with the CLS.
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Beautiful musical system...


Welcome to the ML Club! :)

Excellent photo and beautiful system. Are you considering the, "Velodyne SMS-1", for bass level, sonic management? I was wondering, what are the dimentions of your room? Also, I am courious if you had ever considered a tubed SACD player, in your system?

It's good to have you here.


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Thank you Robin. The Velodyne SMS-1 is already in the Digital Drive series from Velodyne. They have just made it in a separate boks to give some of the possibilities in the DD-series to the less costly Velodyne subwoofers . I am actually in the process of changing my amplifiers now and maybe cd-player so stay tuned:)
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Nicolai said:
Thank you Robin. The Velodyne SMS-1 is already in the Digital Drive series from Velodyne. They have just made it in a separate boks to give some of the possibilities in the DD-series to the less costly Velodyne subwoofers

Not just the lower costly Velodyne Subs, but any sub out there. Low frequency room correction is a great addition to any system, and now/soon available not just with the DD line of Velodyne subs.


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