Warning: This may melt your mind.
The Cosmic Vortex is so cool man............turn up the Pink Floyd dude.
The principle of simultaneous existence allows for vortices in physical matter to be overlaid by vortices in super-energy. If the forms match resonance could occur between them. I call this, ‘Vortex Resonance’.
The principle of subsets suggests that in vortex resonance energy would flow from the super-energy vortex into the physical vortex in much the same way that water flows downhill and electricity flows down a voltage gradient.
As all vortices in super-energy are in simultaneous existence with the physical vortex, if resonance occurs the energy input from vortex resonance would be virtually limitless.
Vortex resonance provides an experimental test for the prediction of super-energy as it allows for energy to appear in our world in apparent contravention of the laws of thermodynamics.
The Cosmic Vortex is so cool man............turn up the Pink Floyd dude.