Quantum Vortex & Vortex Resonance

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Well-known member
Mar 6, 2005
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Warning: This may melt your mind.

The principle of simultaneous existence allows for vortices in physical matter to be overlaid by vortices in super-energy. If the forms match resonance could occur between them. I call this, ‘Vortex Resonance’.

The principle of subsets suggests that in vortex resonance energy would flow from the super-energy vortex into the physical vortex in much the same way that water flows downhill and electricity flows down a voltage gradient.

As all vortices in super-energy are in simultaneous existence with the physical vortex, if resonance occurs the energy input from vortex resonance would be virtually limitless.

Vortex resonance provides an experimental test for the prediction of super-energy as it allows for energy to appear in our world in apparent contravention of the laws of thermodynamics.

The Cosmic Vortex is so cool man............turn up the Pink Floyd dude. :D

Quantum Vortex...


OK..., You succeeded, you melted my mind... :confused:

Thanks alot, man, now, I have to go to bed early..., just to recuporate.

If you click on the Introduction part, you will see they are pulling out of the bag some very old concepts that predate modern scientific thinking and methods.

If this topic is too much for the Off-Topic section, then we will have to create an Outer Limits section. :D
Outer Limits...

kach22i said:
If this topic is too much for the Off-Topic section, then we will have to create an Outer Limits section. :D

This subject matter definately constitues an, "Outer Limits" section... After reading the, "Quantum Vortex" My mind was so overwelmed (Melted), my leggs felt like jelly, my heart was beating faster and irregularly. My eyes started to water, involuntarally and I had a persistant ringing in my ears, which seemed to go away on it's own, after about two hours, or so... The last time, I ever experienced anything close to this, was when, I fell in love, for the first time... Yes, that's right, the last time, I felt like this, was when, I first became, "Twitterpaited".

So, I vote for a new section call the "Outer Limits"... :D


Robin said:
This subject matter definately constitues an, "Outer Limits" section... After reading the, "Quantum Vortex" My mind was so overwelmed (Melted), my leggs felt like jelly, my heart was beating faster and irregularly. My eyes started to water, involuntarally and I had a persistant ringing in my ears, which seemed to go away on it's own, after about two hours, or so... The last time, I ever experienced anything close to this, was when, I fell in love, for the first time... Yes, that's right, the last time, I felt like this, was when, I first became, "Twitterpaited".

So, I vote for a new section call the "Outer Limits"... :D



Well now...WHEW!!! :eek: After reading that, I vote we give Robin her own forum. Heck, I read it twice, the second time with the lights out! :p
Quantum Vortex revealed...

This subject affects people is various ways to be sure...

We have to try to stay focused if we choose to enter the, "Outer Limits"...
I believe in the, "Quantum Vortex"... :eek:
I just, don't think, I can ever be apart of it. What if the "Vortex" is a "Quantum" sigualrity..., it could get us all eventually.
I just don't want it to be now, today or ever...
I'm getting alittle shakey now... :eek: steady... :confused:
I just need to relax and get back to thinking happy thoughts... :)


The vortex has not fed on someone's mind in a couple of days...........the vortex is hungry................feed the vortex.............the vortex is your master...........resistance is futile..................abandon all hope.

The Vortex knows where you live, and when you sleep. :D
The Quantum Vortex...


OK,... I getting alittle freaked out, now... So, you are saying the, "Vortex", knows where I live, and where I sleep... That must mean, the Vortex, is all all powerful, and all knowing too.... I knew it. Somehow, just knew it... You say it's hungery, too... I just had this sinking feeling, that I should have never even, gone, "Off Topic", that cold fall afternoon and inadvertantly, opened this horrible and absolutly terrifing thread, so close to Holloween... :eek: :eek: :eek:

May God have mercy on my poor, wretched soul... I am at the mercy of the Vortex! :eek:

If their is anyone, out there, that can help me, your advice would be welcome....

Rapped in terror,

Santa..........respelled using the vortex is Satan!

Of course Santa uses the Vortex to make his sleigh fly (recall the curves), and the reindeer have counter-rotating vortexes around their ankles for lift.........................but this does not mean Santa in league with Satan.

Does it?

This thread has officially GONE OVER THE EDGE!!

I want all of you to close you're eyes and repeatedly say the following:

I truly am sane, I truly am sane, I truly am sane...

When you open you're eyes, you will be back home in front of you're computer and everything will be normal once again... ;)

Another good reason not to do drugs. :D

What were they smoking when they wrote that stuff? :rolleyes:
They are pretty...

kach22i said:
This site has nice pictures and will not twist your mind like the first site tends to.

Just pretty pictures, trust me. :)


They are very pretty pictures. I collect shells from all over the world too. I like the cross section of the Nautilus shell in the photo...:D


I have remained VORTEX free for a year now. However late at night I can feel it breathing on me from the otherside of my bedroom wall.

Will I ever be free from the power of the VORTEX?:D
The Quantum Vortex.... is back...

I have remained VORTEX free for a year now. However late at night I can feel it breathing on me from the otherside of my bedroom wall.

Will I ever be free from the power of the VORTEX?:D

I know now..., I never will be free of the mind bogeling resinent power and influance the Quantum Vortex... :devil: :eek1: