Upgrade bug is biting me again. I've enjoyed the cinema I but it seems most people here have the Theatre I. Is there a huge difference or just subtle?
Thanks for the input.
I auditioned both Cinema and Theater i, even though there was a big difference in price.i bought theater i.I was allowed to listen both at home by the dealer.
I must say there was a huge difference in sound between cinema and theater without going into any technical details(even my wife noticed the difference)
Best advice is to audition both Cinema and theater.
The local dealer sold the theatre so i cant audition. The one I can get is used in excellent condition for $1600. Thanks for the suggestion to wait, I will. Can't find any pictures of this Stage, wasn't that and Summit supposed to be March?
I am waiting to see some photos too - there have been none released yet. All I know is that the dimensions and price will be similiar to the Theater, but the performance is meant to be significantly better.