attyonline said:
IMO you are making a mistake to buy anything than ML for your center.
I really agree with trying to match up your speakers for a HT setup. Before I purchased my CLSIIz's, I had my Sequel II's as my mains with other speakers for surround and rear surrounds. Sounded pretty good then. But when I added the CLS and moved the Sequel's to the Surrounds, it became substantially better. So the next step for me was a center. Remember I live in the digital world, instead of the vinyl world, so this also came into play in what I would eventually purchase - as I have with all my components, cables, connectors, etc. Brightness is always an issue or problem, so most of what I have running and purchase since the CLS's, have been on the warmer/fuller side of tonality.
I spent a lot of time listening to the ML Centers. Cinema, Theather, and also tried out the Fresco, only the Theater came remotely close to cutting it for me. But the cost of the Theater is way too much for what you are getting IMHO. Over time I tried and tried to see if the Cinema would do it for me - thinking I could pick it up used for a good price. It just did not sound right for me no matter how hard I tried to like it. I heard it with a wide range of ML's and still no go. I even tried out the Fresco to audition the ATF technology per Roberto's suggestion, but still came away not liking it for the price they want for it.
I eventually settled for a different manufacturer for the center and while not tonally matched up, I can live with the difference that is presented to me - especially on movies which was my main concern. Note, while we all try to match up the best we can, sometimes for each of our likings or budget, we cannot do it.
Remember it is your system, and it is all about what each of us like. I can say that I am happier with the current center than I would have been with the Cinema, as I could never have afforded the Theater - even used. Maybe the new "Stage" (is that right?) will prove to be a much better product at possibly a better price for performace point.
Will everyone have the same experience and opinion? like Roberto states - go and listen for yourself. Pick what you like and what you can afford - "trust your ears". Maybe the ML Centers will suit your needs, listening habits and pleasures.