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Nov 2, 2007
Reaction score
San Diego
Can't seem to find the perfect ML match in my area, but came across a pair of Aerius for less than $600.00. I went and listened to them yesterday, but wanted to know if there is any areas of concern on this model I need to watch out for?

They were a huge improvement in mid and highs, over the Klipsch that I've toted all over the world. (But) The base did seem subdued, as this is my first listen to this model I wanted to ask everyone’s opinion?

Sorry for the lame post, but I'm just now getting back into Audio after a long military hiatus ;) I gotta start somewhere, thanks!
$600 is a steal, they are about $1K depending on condition right now in the used market. Smoking home, abused, and other questions are things that might have brought that price down. But, if they where kept like most people who own ML speakers they should be in good shape. I would say go for it and move them to your rears down the road if you feel you must move up the chain.
If they look good, like they've been well taken of and they sound good, then go for it! I've had my Aerius speakers since '95 and haven't had a single problem with them.
Yes, the sound good. The usual things - steer clear of anything from a smoking house for a start. Check the serial numbers to find out the date / age - this is located on this website. Make sure you pay particular attention to the stat panel serial numbers as this will tell you if the panels have ever been replaced and how old they are. Maybe budget to replace the panels at some point in the future if needs be.
The bass needs a path to something solid via spikes, and the power suppy of an amp which can deliver the current (recievers need not apply).

Also the room cannot be too large, a great speaker for small to medium sized rooms.

Look to the "Member Systems" area to see how people have set things up, it makes all the difference with M/L speakers.

My system is #42, a link to it is in my signature below.
I'm unsure if the previous owner smoked, excellent point.

They were being driven by a Krell kav 4100xi, perhaps the source was the problem I've herd the Krell can place undue emphasis on the midrange?

Thanks for the info, I'm going to give them a try :)
The great thing about these speakers is that though what ever mismanagement of the acoustic set-up and pairing of electronics the mid-range is beautiful enough to keep you seeking to make it better for them - and you.

Matching a subwoofer can be tricky, we have a lot of threads on that.

An old Rotel amp will have just a tiny more extension and detail in the upper frequencies over an Adcom of the same era, and a Bob Carver design will have better bass than either at the expense of some finesses and delicacy. Krell is a good brand, I don't know all of their models but it should be equal if not better than the mid-fi brands I've named.

Tubes and M/L's are synergist magic, defies everything you may have been told about needing a high current amplifier.

1. Let these speakers remain unpowered (not plugged in) for a day, take a vaccuum cleaner with brush attachment and work both sides (especially the front positively charged side). Watch the clock, spend at about five minutes a side. After twenty minutes (4 x 5 = 20) your arms will be sore.

2. Wearing ear plugs might be a good idea to protect your hearing.

3. Don't forget to plug the the speakers back in and let them charge back up for 15 minutes.

4. Might as well clean all the metal contacts and plugs while things are powered down - do everything. I like treated wipes, but they don't get into everything like a Q-Tip. Don't use cheap Q-tip swabs that will leave cotton fibers sticking to surfaces and come apart. I've shreaded down to size the fat Q-tips to make them skinnier and soaked them in the proper cleaning fluid. The cheap Q-tips suabs seem to come apart too much and can get messy.

5. Use the search function in this forum, lots of good things have been covered before.
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