My apartment setup

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Hello everyone, sorry for my lack of response, work has been really busy all the way until literally 4 hours ago. Gotta keep those flour mills turning otherwise the world ends 😜.

I have been listening to a ton of vinyl lately since I don't even have internet yet. Today I decided to replace my 12" subwoofer with a RCF 22" PA sub I had leftover from my home theater days. I threw it in a smallish slot ported box I made for it years ago to go in the back of a CRV for kicks and stuck it in the corner. After trying it with the port firing horizontally I found that firing the port straight up worked the best, this also essentially corner loaded it between the wall and the door.

It does actually sound considerably better than the 12" sub I had in the same spot before, it has a very clean sound. I feel the placement still is not ideal though, if I have time tomorrow I will move the massive box into my main listing space (the middle of my kitchen) and wander around the house to see where I find the best bass. I'm really hoping it ends up being the coffee table in the living room because that would be perfect. You can kinda see the coffee table in the last picture, it's a ways away from the main speakers.
Wow, did you ever run it in a car? That would be some serious power! What amp are you using with it?
Wow, did you ever run it in a car? That would be some serious power! What amp are you using with it?
Lol I never got around to actually running it in a car, it would have been wild though. I'm using a Behringer EPX2800 pro amp, it delivers 1620W into 8 ohms and 2800W into 4 ohms bridged.

I think the box isn't ideal, nor is the placement so it'll definitely still need some work to get right.
I brought home all the parts to put together my giant steel mega speakers and I couldn't resist getting them assembled and put in place. They don't work yet but talk about a visually dominating speaker 😂, they're impossible to move without a fridge cart. I'll be very curious how these sound when I get them running in a few weeks.


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I brought home all the parts to put together my giant steel mega speakers and I couldn't resist getting them assembled and put in place. They don't work yet but talk about a visually dominating speaker 😂, they're impossible to move without a fridge cart. I'll be very curious how these sound when I get them running in a few weeks.
Very cool! Id be worried though about tearing up the nice hardwood floor you have. Did you put some sort of pad underneath the speakers to protect the wood? If you use a pad that is slippery on the side facing the floor and grippy on the side facing the speaker, youll be able to move the speakers around.
Looks interesting. Surely will sound good - the bedst speaker in the world is really the one you build yourself. Congrats - wish i had that talent.

And we always needed a lify in the sound for tv sets. Only question is if the sound is not getting too big, but then your next project is obviously a home theatre 😃 meanwhile enjoy the music, surely it will sound emasing
Super great, I started with SL3s, so I can almost hear the Aerius. How do you avoid complaining neighbors??? I'm gonna have to go into an apartment and I'm so scared I'll have to say "Goodbye Theos! Goodbye Motion 40s!". I bought 7.1 headphones but NOT the same.
Very cool! Id be worried though about tearing up the nice hardwood floor you have. Did you put some sort of pad underneath the speakers to protect the wood? If you use a pad that is slippery on the side facing the floor and grippy on the side facing the speaker, youll be able to move the speakers around.
They will destroy the floor if I push them around, I ordered some big threaded feet rubber pads. Adding slippery feet to one end is actually a good idea, I might have to try that.
Super great, I started with SL3s, so I can almost hear the Aerius. How do you avoid complaining neighbors??? I'm gonna have to go into an apartment and I'm so scared I'll have to say "Goodbye Theos! Goodbye Motion 40s!". I bought 7.1 headphones but NOT the same.
My old apartment had thick cement walls so I really never had any issues with neighbors. Electrostatics also fall off big time in volume when you walk outside the listening window so it's usually not as loud as you think.
They will destroy the floor if I push them around, I ordered some big threaded feet rubber pads. Adding slippery feet to one end is actually a good idea, I might have to try that.
Yeah, i used some on my console stand I put all of my audio equipment in. I used the felt feet like you put on a chair for a dinner table. For chairs I use metal ones that pivot. These are stationary. Like these:,aps,100&sr=8-4
Your frame is metal, so you'd need another way of attaching them. My cabinet is wood. I'm not sure if adhesive would hold. My audio cabinet must be fairly heavy with everything, but I'm easily able to slide it around.
Getting the upstairs workshop setup. Lots of misc audio gear everywhere right now, I need shelves.

Got a PH16 tube phono stage on the bench, I started it a couple years ago but never completed it. I made the fancy laser cut chassis at work.


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Well I finally have the main room pretty much setup the way I want. I still need to get some room treatment done in here since all the bare walls and hardwood floors make for a pretty reflective room. Maybe an area rug under the couches and coffee table would be appropriate.

These speakers throw up a pretty impressive wall of sound pretty much anywhere you stand infront of them. The Jeff Rowland Model 1 feeds clean highs that are never harsh although It would be nice if I could dial in the imaging a little more but I think that will come with taming some of the reflections. When I get the room sorted out more I'd like to take some measurements and get some DSP going. I'm still amazed at how much performance was left on the table when these speakers were in stock form.

For my source I'm using the optical out on my PC to feed a Topping DAC, from there I have my Schiit Freya + preamplifier feeding the Dayton 4X8 DSP unit and finally the amplifiers. Class AB on the panels and Class D on the woofers with no passive crossovers in between. Maybe someday I can find a digital preamplifier with DSP, electronic crossovers and volume control so I could eliminate a whole bunch of stuff.


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