Hello from a college student-Wisconsin

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Apr 1, 2023
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Hello everyone!

My name is Connor and I am a college student currently residing in Wisconsin. My dream since I was 15 was to own a pair of Martin Logan speakers after listening to a pair at ABT electronics in Glenview, Illinois.

I made that dream a reality last summer after purchasing a pair of SL3s. I made a trip all the way from the Chicago land area (parents house) down to Nashville (to purchase speakers) back up to Wisconsin (college house) using my Scion tC for transportation. Luckily the speakers safely made it back during the long and dangerous journey.

I currently use an Emotivs bass xa2 and a Kenwood basics c1 to power my SL3s. Audio has always been my favorite hobby and these are by far the best speakers I’ve had the chance to own. I currently help out at a vintage audio store near my college and am always working and changing new things in my setup.I know for certain these will not part with me until I die.

Although it took a lot time, money, and effort to get my sl3s, I haven’t had any regrets. Currently, I am in the process of saving up money for new panels (quoted 1,425 by Martin Logan). Seeing that my panels are 24 years old and I only have 1 year left of college and a very long term girlfriend, I doubt I’ll be able to make such a large purchase within the near future following graduation 😅.

I love looking at information on here but finally decided to join in conversation. I may be a rather unique member on here due to my age or occupation, but I have nothing but respect and the want to learn from you all! This is just the start of my journey with my MLs 🎶
Welcome aboard!

I welcome the younger audio fans, we definitely could use a few more around here ;)

I have a pair of Sequels that are likely a bit older than you are (bought new in 1993) that are still on their original panels. They have lost some output at higher frequencies, but that drop aligns with the Audysey room correction curve, so all is still good.

Updating the panels on your SL3's will be a big advance. Combine that with an active bass section, and you'll be amazed at how good they can sound.

Since you work at a vintage audio store, keep an eye out for good-condition Sunfire gear, those are great amps for the SL3.
Welcome! I got my first MLs right after graduation, then i ended up getting a job.......now i cant stop.....ENJOY!
You made the right choice back then to get the SL3, as SL3 has the basics right and is two snips away from going active on the bass. When I went active xo on my SL3 (after wasting lots of time passive), I thought I had broken the laws of physics as the bass was so low and tuneful...

But now I have Ascent'i' which are even better! The good news for you is that your new SL3 panels will be compatible with Ascent'i', so keep an eye out for a local pair. (must be 'i' with the Gen2 panels and the aluminum cone woofer)
Or come out here and get these:
Welcome aboard Connor, I wholeheartedly agree with JonFo, there’s enough of us old farts around here some young blood is quite welcome by me. Nice to see someone in the younger generations with interest in quality audio systems. I have a pair of Odysseys built in 2001 and I got new panels last year for them. I also went active bass with them and have been playing around with different woofers, and crossover parameters for a while now. I also just re-cabled my entire system, so as you can see I like “playing around” with my system too.
Welcome! I’m always happy to see younger folks taking an interest in this hobby, and even more so when they’re ML fans! Originally from WI here, now in IL. Very familiar with Abt in Glenview. More than I’d care to admit… Before that (showing my age a bit) I was a fairly regular customer of American up in Oak Creek, and occasionally the Madison and Rockford, IL locations. Crazy TV Lenny. American closed up years ago. (Lenny is now selling e-bikes in Madison...) American is where the hifi bug first bit me. As you’ll find out, it’s a lifelong addiction. Enjoy the ride!
Hello everyone!

My name is Connor and I am a college student currently residing in Wisconsin. My dream since I was 15 was to own a pair of Martin Logan speakers after listening to a pair at ABT electronics in Glenview, Illinois.

I made that dream a reality last summer after purchasing a pair of SL3s. I made a trip all the way from the Chicago land area (parents house) down to Nashville (to purchase speakers) back up to Wisconsin (college house) using my Scion tC for transportation. Luckily the speakers safely made it back during the long and dangerous journey.

I currently use an Emotivs bass xa2 and a Kenwood basics c1 to power my SL3s. Audio has always been my favorite hobby and these are by far the best speakers I’ve had the chance to own. I currently help out at a vintage audio store near my college and am always working and changing new things in my setup.I know for certain these will not part with me until I die.

Although it took a lot time, money, and effort to get my sl3s, I haven’t had any regrets. Currently, I am in the process of saving up money for new panels (quoted 1,425 by Martin Logan). Seeing that my panels are 24 years old and I only have 1 year left of college and a very long term girlfriend, I doubt I’ll be able to make such a large purchase within the near future following graduation 😅.

I love looking at information on here but finally decided to join in conversation. I may be a rather unique member on here due to my age or occupation, but I have nothing but respect and the want to learn from you all! This is just the start of my journey with my MLs 🎶
When I was 15 my dream was to own a double pair of KLH 9's, but I didn't have the funds to make it happen. In college I had an AR turntable, a Dynaco SCA35 (tubed integraged) that I built from a kit, and a pair of Koss Pro 4A headphones. By that time my dream had moved on to an Infinity Servo Static 1 system. Currently I'm listening to a pair of ML CLS II's, and I have no plans ever to let them go. Do get everything you can past the girlfriend (unsympathetic, I assume) before merging your finances with hers!
I as well had a pair of Koss pro 4 AA headphones and thought I was on top of the world, but never mind that Connor. Leporello is very wise heed his advice in that last sentence, he speaks the truth😂😂😂
Welcome and how exciting! I still remember the day I heard the SL3 and was smitten. That was my gateway into this hobby. They stayed in the system for 20 years ( 1 panel change) and had it not been for that ML sale a few years ago would still have them. My buddy now has them and they always put a smile on his face. Definitely save up for those panels ( sooner than later-not sure how long ML will be supporting these old speakers) and you will be set.

Next will be finding the front end that makes you smile which is part of the fun. These speakers will reveal every nuance of whatever you plug in.
Ah! It's none other than John Connor, son of Sarah Connor... cyberdine is in good hands, the terminator machines will be terminated and the human race will live on... as long as there's ML stats!

Welcome to MLO matey, and greetings from down unda. Oh man, I remember those student years, this was going way back to 94 Fall in Naperville IL. There was a highend store called Sound Lab (no more) they were dealers for CJ, Class'e, Krell, ML, NHT speakers (remember those!?) and PSB I think they were called. Those NHT speakers powerd with CJ tube gear is what started it all for me. Anyway, after a terms of hard work I sat in during one of their demos and it was a system comprising of the SL3's and Krell gear. I nearly fell off the chair, it was superb! Then a young couple bought those SL3's, just plonked them in their boot and drove off! It was snowing that day but a light snow fall, and part of the panels were sticking out of their boot! I was horrified but they were carefully wrapped in plastic covers. After a few more terms of hard work and 4 campus jobs, I finally saved enough, walked into Sound Lab one sunny arvo and walked out with a lovely pair of SL3's and Krell integrated amp plus CD player (top loading). The rest is history!

Now you're on the right path into real music. Not to worry about your GF... if she's genuine enough, she'll enjoy the music in its purest form as it was intended. After all, it's all about the recording. One step at a time and you'll have achieved the SOTA in time to come. Apart from new panels, when finances permit... try to look at real amps, such as Krell, Bryston, Parasound, Sumo, Hafler, Carver, Sunfire etc, some of their vintage gear is still great, as long as the gear is in perfect condition. It's not necessary to go all out highend. The moment you upgrade to high quality amplification, ML's will shift gears into another dimension! It's not even funny. As you advance the performance factor of ML stats is awe-inspiring.

Until then, sit back and enjoy those fine tunes!
Woof! RJ
Just a quick note worth a mention: don't forget ML's are for enjoying real music the way it was intended from the original recording. By no means are these party speakers! So be careful not to crank up too high...
I've come across quite a number of disasters during my undergrad years. Their stats were all over driven during house parries, first causing the amps to burn out... poof! Then the panels started buzzing and that was the end.

These are delicate musical instruments intended for fine recordings, which will reproduce the finest music in its purest form with musicality and finesse.
Cheers, RJ
Just a quick note worth a mention: don't forget ML's are for enjoying real music the way it was intended from the original recording. By no means are these party speakers! So be careful not to crank up too high...
I've come across quite a number of disasters during my undergrad years. Their stats were all over driven during house parries, first causing the amps to burn out... poof! Then the panels started buzzing and that was the end.

These are delicate musical instruments intended for fine recordings, which will reproduce the finest music in its purest form with musicality and finesse.
Cheers, RJ
Yeah, agreed. For parties you're better off with some old Cerwin Vegas! My buddy had some and they would take abuse! They were the kind that had a carpet like covering on the speaker cabinet.
These are delicate musical instruments intended for fine recordings, which will reproduce the finest music in its purest form with musicality and finesse.
Actually, it's the silly passive crossovers that are the delicate part. Especially the low-pass section on the older models.

My fully active system rocks like no other, I can play Prog Rock (very dense and wide FR) at ridiculously loud levels, I mean painful, and the speakers are fine. But the best part is that even when playing at high dB (93dB avg) levels, it does not sound 'loud', as there is such low distortion.
One of the things that make certain speakers sound 'loud' is actually a dramatic increase in THD, especially in the bass. If one has enough clean bass to hit 105dB, the ESL can definitely keep up and delivers very low THD (with the right amp). But choosing the XO points is key, and why mine are higher than many think might be necessary. But to keep THD low at high levels, even the biggest panel (my Monoliths) is still north of 300Hz.

During demos, I'll have visitors try and speak to me or each other and then realize, they can't be heard. It's a shock, as they've never listened to a system play that clean at those levels :cool:
When I was 15 my dream was to own a double pair of KLH 9's, but I didn't have the funds to make it happen. In college I had an AR turntable, a Dynaco SCA35 (tubed integraged) that I built from a kit, and a pair of Koss Pro 4A headphones. By that time my dream had moved on to an Infinity Servo Static 1 system. Currently I'm listening to a pair of ML CLS II's, and I have no plans ever to let them go. Do get everything you can past the girlfriend (unsympathetic, I assume) before merging your finances with hers!
I started with KLH as a graduation present from HS. After that I started on Heathkit, and the Koss Pro4a that hooked me. It has all been down hill (or up depending on how you look at it) from there. It took me a lot of years to get my ML 13s, but well worth the wait.

Welcome aboard Connor!
Yeah, agreed. For parties you're better off with some old Cerwin Vegas! My buddy had some and they would take abuse! They were the kind that had a carpet like covering on the speaker cabinet.
Yes!!! I was just thinking about those Cervin Vega's. I had a room mate who had those huge damn Cervin Vega's and used to crank it up to max with his 200w Onkyo Receiver. He used to blast out Dire Straits, Hooti & The Blow Fish and Dave Mathews Band. Really loud, could be heard from all the way across campus to the gym and cafeteria. Just awful noise, absolutely no finesse. Anyway, it did float his boat!

Cheers, RJ
Actually, it's the silly passive crossovers that are the delicate part. Especially the low-pass section on the older models.

My fully active system rocks like no other, I can play Prog Rock (very dense and wide FR) at ridiculously loud levels, I mean painful, and the speakers are fine. But the best part is that even when playing at high dB (93dB avg) levels, it does not sound 'loud', as there is such low distortion.
One of the things that make certain speakers sound 'loud' is actually a dramatic increase in THD, especially in the bass. If one has enough clean bass to hit 105dB, the ESL can definitely keep up and delivers very low THD (with the right amp). But choosing the XO points is key, and why mine are higher than many think might be necessary. But to keep THD low at high levels, even the biggest panel (my Monoliths) is still north of 300Hz.

During demos, I'll have visitors try and speak to me or each other and then realize, they can't be heard. It's a shock, as they've never listened to a system play that clean at those levels :cool:
Yes, very true. ML's can actually play quite loud at very high levels with zero distortion. Getting the amplifier match is very critical and once that's achieved, it's definitively a marvelous thing! Currently having CLX's, and whenever I get the chance to audition those big Ren15A's or the Neoliths, it's quite apparent that these are well designed for those levels. On another dimension, whenever I do get the chance to experience the Evo-II Statements, now that's a whole different level of power and finesse at it's finest! However, the amplification has to be really tops, no compromises at this level, no chance!

Cheers mate, RJ