MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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    • K
      Kermie reacted to Leporello's post in the thread New to the forum with Like Like.
      What amps are you considering to replace the Crown? How old is it? Per chance is it still under warranty? I have a long winded story...
    • K
      Kermie replied to the thread New to the forum.
      Thanks for the great tips on amplifier options. The Crown 800CSL did sound great, but it was from the 90's so no warranty. My biggest...
    • K
      Kermie reacted to Mirolab's post in the thread New to the forum with Like Like.
      Oh wow... my first pair of high-end speakers in 1985 were Boston A400's, driven by an NAD 3150 (still working!). The A400's are long...
    • K
      Kermie replied to the thread New to the forum.
      Completely agree with you. I see many systems that I drool over, many on this forum. Always good to have ideas to work with. Years back...
    • K
      Kermie reacted to DanR's post in the thread New to the forum with Like Like.
      👍 Very well said sir!!!!
    • K
      Kermie reacted to Leporello's post in the thread New to the forum with Like Like.
      Welcome. There's no such thing as an "audiophile worthy" budget. I've known true audiophiles who could only afford a budget or...
    • K
      Kermie replied to the thread New member.
      Welcome from another Noob :)
    • K
      Kermie reacted to Reverb's post in the thread New to the forum with Like Like.
      Welcome to MLO! We're glad to have you join us!
    • K
      Kermie reacted to Brad225's post in the thread New to the forum with Like Like.
      Welcome to the group Kermie. Audiophile is the obsession not the gear.
    • K
      Kermie replied to the thread New to the forum.
      Oh I am with you on that, it IS an obsession. I do rotate thru equipment in the different systems in the house. It can be a pain to...
    • K
      Hello all, I just wanted to introduce myself to the collective. I have been what my family calls an audiophile for many, many years. Not...
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