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    • Ercana
      Ercana replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      Menno Vanderveen makes elevation 1:50 and 1:75 transformers for ESL in the Netherlands (EU) click here : Tubes and ESL transformers...
    • Ercana
      Ercana replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      Aerius panels are made of steel. I glued some magnets on the wood to avoid the slow descent of my Aerius panels
    • Ercana
      Ercana reacted to Bodyslam's post in the thread Tubes or Solid State with Like Like.
      I agree with this, and have thought so for a long time. But I have never heard of anyone actually trying it. Of course it would require...
    • Ercana
      Ercana replied to the thread Tubes or Solid State.
      Quite afraid to speak after persons speaking of OTL amps directly coupled to ESL stators. This could obviously be the best technical...
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