Pursuit of the ML CLX

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So how are we feeling about ARC Ref 3?:confused:

It is an incredible preamp. One of the most neutral, transparent tube preamps I have ever heard. I would not part with mine for any other.

Don't know how it would mate with your moscode, but they could very well be a match made in heaven for the CLX's. Better have a top-notch source, though, as I think that preamp, amp, and speaker combination would ruthlessly reveal any flaws upstream.
Done well before

"Don't know how it would mate with your moscode,"

Previous Moscode amps and ARC preamps have done well together. Indeed the ARC preamps have imposed some "discipline" on the Moscode amps.
Might work great together then. I wholeheartedly recommend that you audition one. I think you will be suitably impressed.
REf 3

I can give a big thumbs up to the REf 3 as well. I had one for a couple of years and eventually replaced with an MBL 6010D. While I don't regret selling the REF 3, it is a fantastic sounding amp with tremendous drive. If you are wondering why I sold it, firstly the Ref 3 did not have the absolute perfect synergy with my Spectron amps (which also have a wide bandwidth and are very fast) - sonically too similar to the Ref 3 so it was a match with a bit of "glare" and if I am really honest - it all came down to the aesthetics. I generally like the look of most ARC gear, but I could never get used to the large 'fluorescent' display of the REF 3 - strange uh? If it wasn't for the heat in summer, I might have got Ref power amps and maybe kept the Ref 3 - provided i kept the display turned off!

I would always say the Ref 3 has to be one of the most impressive preamps out there and not cheap, but not ridiculous either. I also found messing around with more expensive tubes was a waste of time - those ARC guys know how to engineer a great sounding product from stock.

Talking about amps; the new Pathos amps being demo'd with the Wilson Maxx speakers at the Montreal show last week were unbelievable - would love to hear those matched with CLX's. I couldn't even bear to ask what uber expensive cables were being used!

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Have heard the REF 3 in a few ML based systems with excellent results.

Have also heard the REF 3 mated with BAT, CJ and McIntosh with excellent results. They make great gear.

PS: Gregadd, if you are talking about the "Shot Gunn" frames and crossovers for the Magnepans, those are quite amazing. For about 1500 bucks the improvement to the Magnepan 1.6 is very dramatic and well worth the money!

PS: Gregadd, if you are talking about the "Shot Gunn" frames and crossovers for the Magnepans, those are quite amazing. For about 1500 bucks the improvement to the Magnepan 1.6 is very dramatic and well worth the money!
They are called Magnestands. Actually there is a reveiw on PFO-
One of the reviewers on positive feedback online has them. They are custom made and look much better on pfo.
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Insufficient gain

If anyone is interested:

The Accuphase DP 57 (sans linestage) has insufficient gain to drive the Mosocde ML CLS combo. It has plenty for my mini monitors. I guess I'll have to accelerate my line stage search.

Enjoy your weekend
Weather is great in Metro DC.

P.S. I was wrong. The problem is elsewhere there is sufficient gian.
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TAS Golden Ear Award 2009

For those who did not see it TAS has awarded (Jonathan Valin )the ML CLX its Golden EAR Award for 2009 June/July/20009 Issue 193,p.56. Stating:

...the most colorlessly neutral. transparent -to-sources speaker I have heard, the CLX is not only extraordinarily realistic-sounding with top flight recordings, it is also extraordinarily revealing, telling you things about how each and every disc in your collection was performed, recorded and mastered that you've simply never heard before. A surprisingly honest transducer, the CLX lowers noise and raises resolution, reproducing pianissimos not just clearly but softly without desaturating tone colors or thinning out textures (like the lean mean CLS did)...If you can live without the bottom octave and a half(or with the addition of a sub to supply it), you cannot find a higher resolution transducer at any price)