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Jeff, I understand, with my luck I'd get one of those Bob Carver Cube amps that I detest so much !!!

I still have a cube and its still going strong after 24 years. But I don't use it on the Martin Logans.
Good Point...I can't remember if I ever posted originally.

I'm now 53 and have CLS's. Last year I had ReQuests and was, well, 52...
41, and don't currently own any MLs. I'm borrowing a pair of Vantages (which will probably have to go back tomorrow, alas), and if all goes to plan, will be acquiring my first MLs--a pair of Spires in Natural Cherry--in the next 2-3 months.

And the cool thing about living in England? We get to Friday night before you Americans do:music::food12::guitarman::banana::rocker:
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