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Well-known member
Feb 6, 2008
Reaction score
Arlington Hts. Il.
Hello all. Will post some pics of a nice Ascent system soon. Love this site!!!
Also would like to mention, its good to see so many into vinyl. I myself (as you can see by the avatar) am a big fan.
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Doug, Welcome ! man you Chgo area guys are really starting to "Take Over" !

I really think you all need to get together and coordinate hosting a 2nd Annual "Get Together" in you area for sometime this summer !!

BTW, glad to have another analog fan in the mix !!
That's funny . . . all these guys keep trying to convince me that Vinyl makes ML sound even better. ;)
The magic is in how you clean the vinyl ;)

BTW I'm still waiting to see pics of your system, Rich.
The magic is in how you clean the vinyl ;)

You got that right! I wonder if they make one of those cleaners for CD's. Probably a lot smaller cleaning pads I'm guessing.

BTW I'm still waiting to see pics of your system, Rich.

Ha! You and everyone else! I have been slowed greatly by a newborn baby, but I almost have my room where I want it to be before I post. I am hoping to get it posted in the next month or two.

By the way, Welcome Doug! Sorry to derail your thread a little bit. You will find lots of seasoned Vinyl aficionados on this site.
Doug, Welcome ! man you Chgo area guys are really starting to "Take Over" !

I really think you all need to get together and coordinate hosting a 2nd Annual "Get Together" in you area for sometime this summer !!

Would love to. By the way. I am having a bit of a hard posting pics of my system. I have also been on the Stereophile site and have posted there, so I have some basic skills. Help anyone??
By the way. I am having a bit of a hard posting pics of my system. I have also been on the Stereophile site and have posted there, so I have some basic skills. Help anyone??

resizing is needed in most cases, 19.5 kb for jpeg files(max).
This question gets asked a lot. We should probably consider writing up a short faq for posting pictures.
Welcome from another of the Chicago guys. :music:

Hope to see you at the regional gatherings.
Welcome from another of the Chicago guys. :music:

Hope to see you at the regional gatherings.

Welcome Doug, from one more of the Chicago contingent.

Sorry I couldn't make yesterdays gathering, Life and Work has been just to hectic lately.
Really wanted to here your system with all the improvements you've made, New Sub, New Amps, New Room Treatments. Someone has a very serious case of Joeyitis.:D

I believe I read somewhere on this site you mentioned Chicago Audio Society. This meets in Arlington right down the street from me. I actually went on a mini listening tour about a month ago with folks from that club. We heard some wonderful and interesting systems. The final leg of the journey was a trip to my house to "Meet the Logans" The comments heard were straight and to the point. Everybody Loved them. Anyway, I believe I just missed the meeting this month. Maybe next one.
Take care,
Doug - out

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