Ethos not starting till replug

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2019
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On. Canada
Anyone ever have a problem with their speakers not starting, no red light when powered down and when you put power to the speaker you have to unplug it then replug it for the speaker to start, still works great but have this one little glitch when you start your system. Sometimes when you power down the red light does not come on just stays blue as though it is powered up then sometimes there is a red light and sometimes there is no light no particular pattern either.

Anyone ever have a problem with their speakers not starting, no red light when powered down and when you put power to the speaker you have to unplug it then replug it for the speaker to start, still works great but have this one little glitch when you start your system. Sometimes when you power down the red light does not come on just stays blue as though it is powered up then sometimes there is a red light and sometimes there is no light no particular pattern either.

Seems like the sensor that senses a signal has a problem now. My old Depth i subwoofer many times never turns off. Ive never had a speaker not turn on, but it seems logical that its probably the same part thats going bad. Your's seems to be having problems going off and especially on. Im not sure if that part can be replaced on its own, or if you have to replace the entire board. Hopefully someone with experience can chime in.
I had that issue two or three times with my used 2017 Ethos. Still in my honeymoon-period so listening almost daily and I guess 2-3 times slight hiccups regarding start-up is no real concern. Seems to be related on the input signal "strength" or "volume". Switching to a different source usually does the trick.
I had that issue two or three times with my used 2017 Ethos. Still in my honeymoon-period so listening almost daily and I guess 2-3 times slight hiccups regarding start-up is no real concern. Seems to be related on the input signal "strength" or "volume". Switching to a different source usually does the trick.
Seems that the only way to get them to work is just unplug and replug, sometimes they work without doing anything but I got a call into ML service just have to wait for them to call me back see what they have.
Seems that the only way to get them to work is just unplug and replug, sometimes they work without doing anything but I got a call into ML service just have to wait for them to call me back see what they have.
Have you tried turning up the volume a bit on your receiver/pre-amp? That might work. I've got an amp i use for whole house audio that's supposed to turn on when it gets a signal from a Sonos box. Sometimes it takes awhile to come on unless I turn up the volume. A few times when I had volume real low it turns off.
Yeah, that did work in my setup as well. As 2 (!) of my preamps are plagued by faults I'm using a dac-streamer as pre directly to the power-amps and depending of internal settings of the dac-streamer increasing the volume does work here as well ...
Hasn't happened again lately so I have to wait till it does to try that, it is very intermitent problem, waiting on ML for a reply they said Monday
