Bridged? Heard don't do it.

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2008
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Minneapols MN
I'm a constant follower of this forum, but still waiting for the right time to be able to upgrade to logans. With that said, I have a pair of Rotel RB-1070 amps for sale just down the road from me. You can bridge them for 360 WPC. Clearly more watts than the 1080 at 200 WPC. I think a demo is not possible. Especially an a/b comparison. But is this a better idea all things being equal? Keep in mind, this will be a receiver pre-pro, then rotels powering hopefully (re)Quest/Z, or Ascent. (Under 2k will be my budget for MLs) (Under 1K is my amp budget) Really like sunfire too.

Thanks very much, always a pleasure.

Welcome back Ben. I still love the music you sent ! Great sounds. Rotel is OK but I am not a fan of Bridging amps. I did it with Carver. they did it a different way but it usually drops the load in half. So the amp becomes less stable. im not sure on Rotel but Id steer away and get a good stereo amp.
Agreed, I've only heard a couple of amps that have sounded just as good bridged as in stereo (BAT and Burmester).

Always worth a try, but rarely works as it should....
Yeah, I'd agree with the previous posts. Bridging amps is always a dicey proposition, and with the nototiously hard-to-drive low-resistance load that most Martin Logans present, a bridged amp is most lokely going to sound worse than running a single one stereo, because of the way that most amps manage bridged power.

I've driven my Sequels with all sorts of amps, from Krell to NAD to Rotel to Carver, and almost every stereo amp that I tried to run bridged sounded worse, ESPECIALLY at high levels, or with demanding material. I have a paor of Carver M-500t's (no slouch, power-wise) and although it pushes close to 700wpc bridged mono into a 4-ohm load (and "only" 251wpc stereo), it would run out of steam if I even thought about getting the Sequels any louder than "polite conversation" levels. They sounded GREAT when played soft, but it didn't take much of an increase at the preamp volume level to literally have the wheels fall off. It actually sounded better, louder when I ran a single M-500t in stereo.

I've run small Rotels stereo and bridged into the Sequels, an the wheels fall off them even faster than the Carvers when bridged. Rotel makes pretty sweet amps for driving ML's in stereo mode--clean, detailed, and musical (and a great bargain!)--but they just don't have the current when driving a low-R speaker to run bridged. But then again, few amps do.

Now if your speakers can be bi-amped, and you already have 2 amps, you might try bi-amping them. That usually works a LOT better, but as always, YMMV with that as well...

I'd go with a Sunfire 2-channel amp if you're planning on getting the ReQuests. They are FANTASTIC speakers, but are VERY power-hungry. When driven with a high-current amp (like the Sunfires) they can sound super-sweet. But a Rotel (even a relatively big one like the 1070 or 1080) might not have enough "umph" if you like to really "let it rip".

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Thanks for the "sound" advice. Bad audiophile joke. A retail outlet that deals rotel and not sunfire, tried to talk me out of a sunfire because the guy doesn't like the power supply. So far, everyone I've ever read a single post from when comparing sunfire and rotel likes sunfire more. That's really where I stand too, I have a Sunfire True Sub Super Jr. and I love that little guy. Again, thanks!!

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