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MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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  1. Useful-Idiot

    Looking for suggestions...

    Thanks for allt the replies guy. Does anyone of you have any experience with the ATF tweeter cause as it turns out it's something wrong with the tweeter in one of the speakers. The level is alot lower and if you play a test signal the pitch kinda "dies"(hard to explain in english) :sad: so I'm...
  2. Useful-Idiot

    Looking for suggestions...

    Thanks for the reply Tsmooth. -Andreas
  3. Useful-Idiot

    Looking for suggestions...

    Thanks for the welcome. Well the 'monkier' is actually a title of a song by the group Tool :rocker: To bad you couldn't gimmie any advice but perhaps some one else can. -Andy (well actually it should be Andreas but ppl called me Andy when I studied in the US)
  4. Useful-Idiot

    Looking for suggestions...

    what do you think of: "Mirage Omnisat V2 CC" or "Anthony Gallo A'Diva Ti2"
  5. Useful-Idiot

    Looking for suggestions...

    Hi all. I just bought a pair of ML Mosaic and now I'm looking to buy a new center speaker. I also would like to know how much effect(w) you think I need to power the mosaic. I wonder if any of you could gimme some suggestions concerning a Center speaker that would make them justice. I noticed...