System #57 (Ascent i, Theater i, Descent, Script i)

MartinLogan Audio Owners Forum

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Terminator, The
Stranger Than Fiction
Kingdom Of Heaven “Director’s Cut”
Gone In 60 Seconds
Casino Royale
Red Dragon
Déjà Vu

How did you get Casino Royale? It dosen't release till 3-13-07. :confused:
Robin, check out a Placette Audio Remote Control Volume ($1100-R) RCA volume contol for single unit with audio by-pass


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Krell SACD


I know you're looking at the Marantz player, but keep in mind the Krell SACD player, great simplistic looks. Although above all what counts most is the sound, and ooooohahahahahaha its goooooood :drool: I'm not too familiar with the marantz player, but the krell is feature loaded and also has the option of balanced or unbalanced outs.

Just something to keep in mind.:rocker:
Casino Royale ~ Coming Soon...

How did you get Casino Royale? It dosen't release till 3-13-07. :confused:

:) Sorry for the misunderstanding..., I just added Casino Royale to my list because I had ordered the film on Blue-Ray. I will recieve it on 3/13 as well. ;)

I can hardly wait to see it on Blue-Ray though... :D

:) Sorry for the misunderstanding..., I just added Casino Royale to my list because I had ordered the film on Blue-Ray. I will recieve it on 3/13 as well. ;)

I can hardly wait to see it on Blue-Ray though... :D

You know, I think Robin maybe a carrier for Joeyitis! Every time I read a post or look at one of her pics I want to go buy something! :D I think once the 70" Sony gets here my desire for an HD-DVD/BD player will go through the roof!


:eek: Yes, Joey is a friend of mine but even though we have not had physical contact, we did engage in un-protected audiophile intellectual discourse, here at the ML Club. I'm not ashamed to admit, I am now a carrier of Joeyitis. Joey is aware that he knowingly passed his condition on to me and has all but acknowledged the fact to me on more than one occasion.

Currently, I am tring to live with this condition as best as I can, for instance, I have been very involved in fending-off the urge to purchase a, Marantz SA-7S1 CD/SACD player. I have been suffering with this urge for about two months now. Purchasing the LG BH100 did not help as much as you would think, though it did aleaviate the condition some what... :eek:

I am just one lost, Joeyitis-infected audiophile soul... :sad:

Having been infected with a JTD (Joey Transmitted Disease) is something you are just going to have to learn to live with.

Just when you think you are over it you get another outbreak and the only thing you can do is have another prescription filled at your local audio pharmacy to ease the nervousness and wide eyed stare. I have seen some cases where the patient even begins to drool.

Were all here for you though. You will be in my prayers tonight to the equipment gods.

:eek: Yes, Joey is a friend of mine but even though we have not had physical contact, we did engage in un-protected audiophile intellectual discourse, here at the ML Club. I'm not ashamed to admit, I am now a carrier of Joeyitis. Joey is aware that he knowingly passed his condition on to me and has all but acknowledged the fact to me on more than one occasion.

Currently, I am tring to live with this condition as best as I can, for instance, I have been very involved in fending-off the urge to purchase a, Marantz SA-7S1 CD/SACD player. I have been suffering with this urge for about two months now. Purchasing the LG BH100 did not help as much as you would think, though it did aleaviate the condition some what...

ROTFLMAO!!!! :haha1: :haha1: :haha1:

Having been infected with a JTD (Joey Transmitted Disease) is something you are just going to have to learn to live with.

Just when you think you are over it you get another outbreak and the only thing you can do is have another prescription filled at your local audio pharmacy to ease the nervousness and wide eyed stare. I have seen some cases where the patient even begins to drool.

Were all here for you though. You will be in my prayers tonight to the equipment gods.

Ah, these are KILLING ME! I LOVE IT! LOL!!! :cheers: :haha1:


Having been infected with a JTD (Joey Transmitted Disease) is something you are just going to have to learn to live with.

Just when you think you are over it you get another outbreak and the only thing you can do is have another prescription filled at your local audio pharmacy to ease the nervousness and wide eyed stare. I have seen some cases where the patient even begins to drool.

Were all here for you though. You will be in my prayers tonight to the equipment gods.

:drool: Thank you. :drool:
LOL!!! I just got up from a nap and I come to this!? LOL!!!

Classic one guys!

*trying to catch my breath*

:D :D :haha1: :haha1:
It has recently been determined through extensive research into the vector paths of JTD, that this terrible afliction is most commonly transmitted through Aural Sects.

If you avoid Aural Sects, (such as the Martin Logan Club, the Polk Owners Club, or the Carver Owners Forum) your exposure to Joeyitis is dramatically decreased, however this will NOT guarantee that you will not be exposed.

One must remember that JTD's are transmitted via exposure to the sub-atomic particles called Upgradium, which is emitted from ALL audio gear, so the only way to truely practice Safe Audio is to listen ONLY to live music, and completely eschew exposure to recorded performances of ANY type, on ANY gear...

Personally I think the pleasure derived from listening to my system is worth the risk... :D

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Look at it this way Joey. Someday you will tell your grandchildren.

"See kids, right here in the New Websters Dictionary - Joeyits (aka JTD) -was named after your grandfather. Its more well known than all the medical procedures that I have pioneered."
Joeyitis (JTD) and "Black Snake Moan"

I am always looking for the ultimate solution, listening to fine audio has clouded / befuddled my once rational mind. What day it it? :confused:

:cheers: I'm currently listening to a brand new CD. The soundtrack from currently playing feature film "Black Snake Moan". My son just saw this film and said it was good, he bought the CD and has shared it with me. The CD features excellent lively southern blues. :band:


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I will look for that CD, Robin! Thanks!

As for the 2 goofy guys posting up there.... you guys crack me up! Thanks for the laugh! Back to studying...

Joey :D :D
MSN Already Lists "Joeyitis"...

Look at it this way Joey. Someday you will tell your grandchildren.

"See kids, right here in the New Websters Dictionary - Joeyits (aka JTD) -was named after your grandfather. Its more well known than all the medical procedures that I have pioneered."

:cheers: Joeyitis is currently listed here, officially, at the MSN power search site:D :

People catch-on quickly to this kinda thing... ;)

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