Stay with my Theo's or upgrade to ESL 9's

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Apr 30, 2019
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Detroit Michigan
I'm am happy with my Theo's and wasn't looking to change but I stumbled on to a killer deal on a new pair of ESL 9 brand new. Do you think there is enough of a a difference to justify the upgrade? Would be anywhere between $500-1000 out of pocket plus 10 hours of driving to get the new speakers plus the hassle of selling the Theo's.

Hola sjsfiveo,

I will do the change. The new ESL9 has two woofers. They are more precise bass definition and better panel-woofer integration. If you are a musician, the difference will show for you right away. The bass musical notes are divine from the ESL9. It is not more bass intensity to color the bass the bass notes with outstanding life like. The resonance of the bass notes are incredible. Listen first, and if you feel it worth for you the change, then go for it!

The stage is wider and has a sense of more 3D. Also, they are more dynamic!

Happy listening!
I have a lot of respect for Roberto. But I have to disagree here. As a fellow Theos owner, I have managed to squeeze out an amazing performance by upgrading my amp. I went from an Adcom to a Pass Labs XA30.8. The difference is night and day.

I also have a Balanced Force 210 sub which brings lightning bass to the picture. You have not mentioned what kind of amp/preamp you currently have. If your upstream gear is stellar already, perhaps it is a good move to ditch the Theos. If not, you will be blown away by the sound coming from the humble Theos once you upgrade your amp.

"Happy listening."
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I agree with both responses above, but frankly for the low amount of dollars involved it sounds like a deal too great to pass up. That said, the upstream components are hugely important. My first Martin Logans, the Vista, forced me into a multi-year journey of discovery relating to amp/preamp combos that the Vistas liked.
Thanks for the input, I have an all tube Primaluna Prologue Integrated Amp, which completely WOKE those Theos up. I hade a Musical Fidelity I.A. first, then a Rogue Audio Sphinx 2nd, just picked up the Primaluna couldn't be happier so much more bass. I hade a separate Rel sub and I disconnected it the bass from the speakers is all I need now..

I have a lot of respect for Roberto. But I have to disagree here. As a fellow Theos owner, I have managed to squeeze out an amazing performance by upgrading my amp. I went from an Adcom to a Pass Labs XA30.8. The difference is night and day.

I also have a Balanced Force 210 sub which brings lightning bass to the picture. You have not mentioned what kind of amp/preamp you currently have. If your upstream gear is stellar already, perhaps it is a good move to ditch the Theos. If not, you will be blown away by the sound coming from the humble Theos once you upgrade your amp.

"Happy listening."
Hola Northy.

I was saying the about the ESL9 vs Theos. Thanks for your Kind words. I was talking about the ESL9 with no have a fantastic sub-woofer along with your Theos...and if I do that comparison, of course I will stay with the Theos with the BF-210. . It is the same stat panel, but there is a different crossover. The cut of the ESL9 is a little bit lower than the Theos. The crossover is doing the difference and the two woofers, and here is where the ESL9 makes a difference. Please don´t get me wrong. I am not saying that the Theos is a bad sounding speaker. IT IS NOT! My intention was to talk about what model has better you can do a comparison, without the sub, please tell us your findings. I do have them both, and I am using Conrad Johnson gear to drive them...believe me, there is a difference.

Happy listeing!
I would do it, I want to upgrade my theos and would do it in a heartbeat at that price to ESL 9s. You are going to get a better speaker and at a reasonable price.
In my opinion the out of pocket low enough I would do it, that is if you have the space for them (they go far deeper than the older models). You are getting the latest technology, which in theory, will give you a better panel/bass integrations, not that the Theos is bad in this area at all. Theoretically it may sound better.
Thanks for the input, I have an all tube Primaluna Prologue Integrated Amp, which completely WOKE those Theos up. I hade a Musical Fidelity I.A. first, then a Rogue Audio Sphinx 2nd, just picked up the Primaluna couldn't be happier so much more bass. I hade a separate Rel sub and I disconnected it the bass from the speakers is all I need now..


Hi Steve, In my journey to upgrade the amp, I listened to a few amps including the PrimaLuna Prologue. It is indeed a great amp given the price point. However, I found that the highs were a bit rolled off. Moreover, the attack and the decay of the musical notes were not palpable. I know these are subjective qualities we look for. But it just did not cut it for me. That is why I had to triple my budget and go for the Pass. I know it is not a fair comparison dollarwise. I just want to emphasize the potential that the Theos have is tremendous. Behind a great speaker is even a greater amp!

Hola Roberto, no worries. I know you are very informed, passionate about the music and always provide the most honest opinion to fellow owners.
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Hola Roberto, no worries. I know you are very informed, passionate about the music and always provide the most honest onions to fellow owners...

Gracias Northy,

That´s what I try to do. I also know, that there are a lot of different chefs doing the cooking, and their taste vary a lot! It is good to have them on hand, because we really can get what our ears like!

Northy, thanks for your kind words!

Happy listening!
Nice to see everybody pretty much agreeing. I felt Theos definitely needed a sub when I was shopping. Went with Ethos (replaced in ML lineup by ESL 9), the upgraded to Montis. Northy, glad you like the synergy between ML and Pass labs. Using Pass INT-150 with the Montis. Best sound I've had in my room. If the OP does not have a sub, I would be going with the ESL 9 for sure.